Driving in cycle lanes


Registered User
Like the OP I use a scooter and have been known to use the cycle lane! A garda stopped me once so I'm fairly certain it isn't allowed for mopeds to be in the cycle lane so I now try to stick to overtaking on the outside, I still manage to beat all the losers sitting in their cars.:)
Amongst all the new penalty points, I notice there's 1 penalty point for "driving on a cycle track". I regularly use a cycle lane to undertake when on a moped (ie. traffic is backed up & no room on the outside) and I've got conflicting views on whether this is legal or not.

Does anyone know ?
It is illegal to undertake in the scenario you describe.

These are the only circumstances it is allowed (to undertake on left):

When the driver ahead has moved out and given a right turn signal and you intend to go straight ahead or turn left.
• When you intend to turn left and have signalled this intention.
• Where traffic is moving slowly and the vehicles in the lane on your right are moving more slowly than the traffic in your lane.

Outside of these you may do like the rest of us, and sit & wait!
askalot said:
I still manage to beat all the losers sitting in their cars.:)
Some of those 'losers' may not have a choice! I certainly don't fancy doing my 50 mile drive everyday on the back of a scooter!
When the cycle lane is bordered by a broken line you can legally drive on it
provided no cyclists are using it.
The general prinicple is that cycle lanes are for cyclists, not motorcycles. Many Gardai turn a blind eye but who knows what will happen with the new penalty point regime? As a cyclist myself I am more worried about people parking in cycle lanes than motorcyles using them (unless they are footpath cycle lanes, that would just be TOO dangerous for pedestrians):)