Driving in bus lane-penalty points or not?

midland muck

Registered User
I was caught driving in a bus lane this morning and the Guard said I would recieve a €40 fine and a letter in the post. I'm just wondering if penalty points are applicable in this instance. I checked the penalty points web page but it doesn't appear to be the case. Does anyone no for sure?
This happened to me approx 1 year ago and I was fined €25 and no penalty points. I haven't heard of penalty points being introduced for driving in a bus lane since then.
It says in the new rules of the road (which are only at public consultation stage at the moment) that you can get points for failing to obey traffic lanes. Those rules are not in force yet however. Should the guard not have mentioned penalty points when he stopped you? If he mentioned the fine but said nothing about points you could be ok

Draft new/updated rules of the road available here; http://www.transport.ie (www.transport.ie)
midland muck said:
I was caught driving in a bus lane this morning and the Guard said I would recieve a €40 fine and a letter in the post.

€40! Thats it!?! Feck that i thought it was much more... bus lanes here i come :D
Sitting on the Stillorgan dual carriageway at 6p.m. last week and three cars with CD on their registration sail past on the bus lane. I would love to know which embassy these cars came from so I could drop them a letter.
Incidentally one of the cars was a 1998 registered car, a bit old for an embassy car I would have thought?