Driving from Pisa To Genoa - Stopping On the Way


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Myself & Mrs Fowler are spending a few days in Italy. We'll be taking our time, driving from Pisa to Genoa, stopping off for 3 nights on the way. Any tips of places to stop off on the way? Should we go onto Lastminute.com & book accomadation or take our chance while we're out there & stop off at tourist offices. We're off on Thursday so not a lot of time to organise. Thanks.
The Cinque Terre villages would be the obvious stop ... they are simply gorgeous

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Even if you don't stay there (accomodation is expensive enough) I'd certainly recommend spending a day walking / taking the train between them.
Lucca is also certainly worth a look - it's pretty much right beside Pisa - so not so much on the way ... Very nice city, with very fine walls, nice churches/squares etc.
lucaa is lovely alright. it's almost totally pedestrianised within the city walls so it's great to walk around.
I stay in a small village about 10 mins from Luca called Altopascio, we stay in a small hotel called Hotel Paola 50 euro aprox per room lovely and clean. Phone no 0583276453 talk to Marco he speaks english.
The Cinque Terre villages would be the obvious stop ... they are simply gorgeous

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I 2nd this place...we stayed in Vernazze and there's a restaurant to die for....at the very end of the port up in a castle-like building with a balcony overlook the sea as far as the eye can see. Make a reservation for about 7 as the sun sets earlier there and you don't want to miss the sunset....easily one the bestest places I've been.
I'm Italian but I'm living in Cork since 2003.
I'm from Tuscany and about Lucca I would like to recommend a very typical and cosy stone cottage to rent.
This is the website of this cottage:
www.vacanzeariolo.com also in english

PS: If you like medieval town remember also to visit Volterra and San Gimignano.

If you have any question about Tuscany and Nord Italy I'll be very happy to help you!!!
