'Drivers with Disability' tax relief scheme and second hand vehicles.


Registered User
I am posting this on behalf of a relative.

She has had a serious operation before xmas and she now has trouble with her walk.

She is in the process of getting a primary medical certificate which will then allow her to seek assisitance from the state in the purchase of a vehicle that she can drive. The problem is the docuemntation is not that clear on the revenue.ie website as always!. [broken link removed]

Whats not clear is, if she buys a vehicle say a second hand automatic, worth about 12K. Will she possibly receive a cheque back from state to the value of 9525 Euro, or is that amount only relevent regarding a new vehicle. She is trying to figure out her budget as shes not that really well off.
tred said:
I am posting this on behalf of a relative.

Whats not clear is, if she buys a vehicle say a second hand automatic, worth about 12K. Will she possibly receive a cheque back from state to the value of 9525 Euro, or is that amount only relevent regarding a new vehicle. She is trying to figure out her budget as shes not that really well off.

1. Firstly the vehicle must be bought from a registered car dealership, ie. cant be a private seller
2. here an example of how scheme works using your €12,000 purchase figure.
a)Calculate VAT@21% first
On purchasing the vehicle for €12,000,
the VAT@21% is calculted as eg 21% of €12,000 = €2520

b) €12,000 - €2520 = €9480
c) Now VRT is calculated on this figure but there is different levels depending on the engine size of the vehicle you are buying
The rate of VRT varies depending on the engine size. Engine capacity up to 1400cc, VRT is 22.5%, 1400cc to 1901cc the rate is 25%, over 1901cc the rate is 30%.
d) taking the lowest rate of 22.5% the price would work out like this
-> 22.5% of €9480 = €2133
-> €9480 - €2133 = €7347
e) Initial price - VAT@21% - VRT@22.5% = €7347
€12,000 - €2520 - €2133 = €7347

This is roughly how it works, making a saving of €4653
You'll only get of the max of €9525 when car is more expensive

Also enquire about motorised transport grant which is at least €3500 or so which would come in very handy.

hope this helped!!
(wheelchair user)
Hi just been reading this an in same position, just wounded is that grant you said available with the primary medical cert ? An if so where do you go for information on it .
Thank you
Wow, an 18 year old thread getting bumped - that must be a record?

Anyway, in case it helps...
Wow well when I logged in this was first tread I saw an was revealed to my question , an your wrong this grant is not closed
Huh? I never said that the grant was closed.
Nice gratitude for someone who posted useful info though...
Remind me not to bother next time.

Problem is that your link is to a March 2017 page on Citizens Information which states that that the grant is closed!

Hence the somewhat ungracious response from the new member. ;)
Problem is that your link is to a March 2017 page on Citizens Information which states that that the grant is closed!
In my experience, the Citizens Information site usually has up to date info unless otherwise noted.

Lack of adequate supports for disabled drivers 'shameful', says Ombudsman​

Updated / Wednesday, 14 Jun 2023 13:10


In his office's annual report, Mr Deering points to issues with one scheme in particular - the Motorised Transport Grant - a means-tested payment for people with disabilities who need to buy a car in order to work.

It was closed to new applicants in 2013 and has not yet been replaced, despite the Government announcing plans to introduce an alternative ten years ago.
As I have an interest in this area- the legislation underpinning the motorised grant was found to be illegal- it discriminated on the grounds of age. Grant was not available to persons over the age of 65. Scheme was closed and the government have failed to create a new system/scheme. The only scheme available to disabled individuals is The Disabled Drivers and Disabled Passengers Scheme which is extremely restrictive
an your wrong this grant is not closed
As I have an interest in this area- the legislation underpinning the motorised grant was found to be illegal- it discriminated on the grounds of age. Grant was not available to persons over the age of 65. Scheme was closed and the government have failed to create a new system/scheme. The only scheme available to disabled individuals is The Disabled Drivers and Disabled Passengers Scheme which is extremely restrictive