drive on Luas Line?

  • Thread starter SteelBlue05
  • Start date


Are you allowed to drive on the Luas line? There is a section of Luas line on James street out near James Hospital that runs on the road.

My question is you often see people overtaking cars stuck in traffic by driving on the Luas line on the other side of the road in order to turn right at a junction just a bit further up.

Is this legal? You are allowed to turn right at the junction by the way.
I THINK this part of the Luas line is drivable - certainly I've driven on it coming from Thomas St going towards Kilmainham. The bit of the Luas between Abbey St and Capel St is not drivable except for delivery vans, I think. I have seen cyclists being told off for being on this bit .
I THINK this part of the Luas line is drivable - certainly I've driven on it coming from Thomas St going towards Kilmainham. The bit of the Luas between Abbey St and Capel St is not drivable except for delivery vans, I think. I have seen cyclists being told off for being on this bit .

Yes, it is drivable in that direction, but I dont know if you are allowed to cross over on to it in order to pass out cars and take the right junction further up.