Drive from Split to Medjugorge


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Anyone driven from Split to Medjugorje? Any ideas on the best route to take or areas of interest to stop for along the way perhaps?

Drove all around Croatia a few years back. How much time have you got? On this leg I would recommend stopping for a few nights on the Macaska riveria( not sure is the spelling right but thats how it souinds). Beautiful spot. Some of the island are worth getting the ferry to as well.
Stay on the coast road and you will hit the Moster junction. swing inland from there.
When I was there I didn't stray too much from the beaten track on the way to Medjugorie as there was land mine warnings off the beaten track. I thought it best to heed these. They may be cleared by now but if you see the road sign it would be safer not to enter.
Fantastic trip though and you are probably doing a section of the best leg.