drinking alcohol in the Aviva, safety issue or double standard?


Registered User
maybe its me but having been to all the recent soccer matches in the Aviva you cant even buy a bottle of coke with a lid on it, 'for safety reasons' were told yet watching the rugby match today the camera highlights a member of the crowd drinking, whats obviuosly a pint of guiness. surely 'safety' is'nt a class issue
you get a totally different crowd at rugby than football.. it may even be mostly the same crowd but they come with a different attitude..
It because FIFA doesn't allow alcohol at international games whilst the IRFU do
I have been at two matches so far in the Aviva. Both Rugby. On one occasion was told no drinks at all, even soft drinks they took off the lids.

The second time, i was able to take alcohol and unopend soft drinks.

Seems to be whoever is on as a steward