Drink Driving. Second disqualification appeal.


Registered User
Hi all,

Second time disqualified for drink driving almost 2 years ago. Was celebrating exam results after 2 years in college and caught driving home. Now finished college, have a decent job but no car for another 2 years. Can anyone advise if there is any chance to appeal. Taken a free legal advice and the lawer could not give me exact answer. Citizen information website however states that there is no opportunity to appeal if disqualified second time.

Many thanks.

How could you take a chance a second time after being disqualified once before ?

What would be the chances of being disqualified a third time if an appeal was successful ?
I don't know what grounds you could appeal on, disqualification from driving is causing you inconvenience? You have two convictions for this offence. Endure the punishment for two years, learn not to drink and drive again, and move on from this episode in your life.
Thanks for all the emotions. Believe me - I've heard a lot of it for the past couple of years, but would really appreciate a qualified answer.
The reason I am asking is because I've heard there was a law passing in UK in 2012. If I am not mistaken, the law provides appealing the disqualification even after the the second conviction, where in order to get the license back the person has to accomplish some rehabilitation course. In some cases the person have to also pass the driving test again and/or install a device that allows the engine to start up only after a breath-test.
Some time ago I've read an article on the web about such a law was under discussion in Ireland also. Anyone knows something about that?

Googling shows up nothing. Except in the UK the very real possibility of a prison sentence in addition to a driving ban for a 2nd drink driving conviction.
thanks Emeralds, I can't find anything particular either.. Going to discuss with a payed lawer.