Drink Driving: any stats of the ages of people who have been convicted?


Registered User
As the limit is supposedly being reduced, it came up in conversation over the weekend.
I was of the opinion that those who are more likely to be over the limit are the old-school types who've been at it for years, whereas others seem to think that it's more likely to be young drivers, even the boy-racer types (which I completely disagree with, btw, as they spend so much on their cars they'd hardly be likely to jeopardise it by driving drunk).

Anyway, what do people think, and are there any stats of the ages of people who have been convicted of drink-driving ?
Re: Drink Driving

Old School types methinks.

I find the proposal pretty annoying in truth. I don't argue with the logic but at the moment I can have one drink with a meal and be pretty sure I am under the limit by the time I leave.

No longer if this goes through so why not just reduce it to 0 and be done with it.
They may as well because I for one will not risk it.

And to take this off topic slightly, my perception as to the biggest danger at the moment? Its not drink drivers, its drivers on mobile phones. And sad so say, women with children in the car are the most common followed by ( and this is really scary) fully loaded gravel lorries.
I don't get why we need to reduce the limit.

Here's a mad idea why not enforce the limit we have?

How many empty pub carparks are there, none, how many people inside drinking Non alcoholic drinks very few.

Enforce what we have, an concetrate on doing something to sort out the real killer in the country suicicde.
It's specifically not supposed to be about the merits or otherwise of lowering the limit.

I'm just interested to know if there are stats on the ages of people who've been convicted under the existing law.