Dress code/door policy - Kilkenny

Betsy Og

Registered User
Will be going on a stag there soon - bit of a "I'm down with the young people" moment. Anyway, havent been to a nightclub in years so do any of the following still apply (or have they been replaced):

No runners. (were far less prevalent in my day, basically running shoes. Whereas now there's all manner of white shoes/deck shoes etc etc that may or may not be construed as runners).
No jeans.

Rarely a runners wearer, but own plenty of pairs of jeans.
Avoid the temptation of wearing chinos in the belief they're "smart casual".

You'll look like Charlie Sheen's brother in Two and a Half Men.
...just dress as you like and tell them your a technical group TD ... I'd like to see them stoppin ye after been told that :D
horusd said:
...just dress as you like and tell them your a technical group TD

... and if you display a sticky ... or was it a pinny (difficult to see if there was a pin or not) sure they'll definitely not object.;)

The Shinners are always well turned out tho ...Anyway they're all to serious to be seen in a disco dancing around Marylou's handbag doing the Macarena :)
Most of the "clubs"/Discos in KK are for the "very "young.
There are music bars where the ages are mixed ,for example the left bank.Or Langtons where the pub itself is open until 1.30/2..mainly music from the 80s and sometimes there is a band playing..
Usually the lads wear a shirt and jeans with shoes..at least thats what I have experienced every time I'm there,which is a lot..
Since its a stag, i'm assuming youre a guy (despite the username!)......i've never heard of a nightclub having a "no jeans" policy for lads.
Normally as long as your shoes/runners arent white you'll be fine, though its easier to wear some sort of "normal" shoes to be on the safe side.
Bell bottoms!!:eek:, I was being self-deprecating (sp?) on the age issue, I dont think I was born when bell bottoms were at their err height. Yes, am a fella, no "issues" there (username has car origins).

With my lack of drinking practice I just hope self-deprecating doesnt turn to self-defecating :eek::eek: .... sorry, just a huge fan of Trainspotting and remember how it was good for Spud to "cut loose once in a while"