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After eating a lot of Reblochon after dinner last night I knew I was in trouble...was lined out for new Zealand in in the World Cup final. Andrew Mehrtens was next to me. The match went great until someone threw me a ball out wide. Can't remember who we were playing but I was being chased by 3 or 4 seriously evil looking dudes. I was running as fast as I could but I couldn't move! Unreal...work up in a complete heap about 4am this morning!!

Anyone else have funny ones lately?
No I am afraid not, but I do dream of marrying a rich man.. Given that I am already married, short in stature it will only ever be a dream
I cannot remember one dream I have ever had, in my whole lifetime
I get two different recurring dreams. Ive been having them since childhood. The actual events vary but the theme is the same.

In one of them I lose my shoes. I can see my shoes, but I cant get to my shoes.

In the other all my teeth disintegrate. Its horrible, it starts with small bits chipping off then turns into large bits of tooth coming away and I am spitting and trying to clear my mouth and throat of chunks of teeth.
I had a dream a couple of months ago that the Pope had to resign when it became known that he'd fathered a child.

It took a minute or two after I awoke to realise it had only been a dream. Or does my subconscious know more than I do..............
I had a dream a couple of months ago that the Pope had to resign when it became known that he'd fathered a child.

It took a minute or two after I awoke to realise it had only been a dream. Or does my subconscious know more than I do..............

Which Pope? There were a number of them that did!
In one of them I lose my shoes. I can see my shoes, but I cant get to my shoes.

In the other all my teeth disintegrate.

I've had the teeth one too in the past, not for a long time though so maybe I've accepted the inevitable. Seems it's related to anxiety about getting older.
Not sure about the shoes though.

I used to dream about imminent leaving cert or college exams and not having even started revising the course. I noticed that these dreams only occurred before important meetings, presentations etc., so a quite obvious message there.

Jonah ? Is that you ?

Didn't think it was 'a lot of Reblochon' that gave the ABs food poisoning in 1995 ?

I have had many dreams with the similar 'making loads of effort to move forward but nothing happening' episodes.
In the other all my teeth disintegrate. Its horrible, it starts with small bits chipping off then turns into large bits of tooth coming away and I am spitting and trying to clear my mouth and throat of chunks of teeth.

I've had these kinds of dreams for years, i had braces as a teenager and wore a retainer at night so i think that's where the dreams may have come from.
I dream vividly nearly every night and often scare my husband talking and shouting in my sleep in the middle of the night!
He had a dream once where he thought he was being chased and sprung up from lying on his side onto all fours on the bed, i got the fright of my life!
I used to dream about imminent leaving cert or college exams and not having even started revising the course. I noticed that these dreams only occurred before important meetings, presentations etc., so a quite obvious message there.

I get this one too. In my case I'm repeating my LC and the honours Maths paper is put in front of me. I start panicking as I haven't done any study. Dunno why it's always the honours Maths paper either as I was good at Maths. It's a lovely relief to wake up knowning I never had to repeat my LC and I have survived college exams too!
Dream: galloping through the country on horseback - I was a skilled rider. Very exciting!

Real life: I was on a donkey sometime last century on a beach somewhere!
After eating a lot of cheese after dinner last night I knew I was in trouble... was lined out for New Zealand in the world cup final. The match was going great until I threw a ball out wide to the guy standing next to Andrew Mehrtens just before he asked who are we playing. He was chased by 3 or 4 kids from the local school team and ran off the pitch and out of the ground as fast as he could. We found him in a complete heap outside a nightclub at 4 am the next morning.
Aren't the oul dorty dreams great though?

Lol. Indeedy. You could spend a few yrs on the couch working them out Caveat. Wasn't it Freud who wrote that book "The Interpretation of Dreams". And then everything was about sex! Tho I don't understand how you can definitely say a dream means anything, some of it sounds a bit like hocus pocus, and a way to get the analysts a few bob.

One of my favorite dreams tho is where I can fly. I love it !

WOW....Once a year I get that....traumatic