Dream Cabinet.


Registered User
Okay all the fun of the real election is over. Here's a chance to decide a dream cabinet. Be as creative as you like:

My choices:

Taoiseach: Richard (man the barracades) Boyd Barrett.
Taniste: Healy Rae Junior.
Ceann C: Willie O'Dea + a large soap box.

Defence: Baron Gerry Adams
foreign affairs: Joan Collins (who wouldn't want to meet Joan Collins ??)
Finance: His Mepship, Joe Higgins
Justice: His Lordship Adams of the hills, dales & anythin with "northern" in it
Social Welfare:Mick( the knife) Noonan
(Starship)Enterprise etc: Kirk
Marine: Anyone who can spell Hawlbowline 1st time without lookin it up.
Gaelteacht: Lucinda Creighton

New Ministeries:

Drugs & generally "gettin out of it man": Ming the Merciless.
Style: Mick Wallace.
Substance & General West Britishness: Shane Ross
Good looks & sultry accents: Pierce (ing eyes) Doherty/Aodhan(smokin) O'Riordhan
Talkin,ear bashin & general chit chat: Joan Burton
Seriousness & weightiness: Mary Lou McDonnell
Perks:Michael Lowry.
Put downs & cutting Remarks: Pat Rabbitte.
Dancing at the crossroads: Eamon O'Cuiv.
Cute hoorishness: Mattie (I'm yer man) McGrath.
Last edited:
Oireachtas phone system has now been updated to reflect changes in TDs.
To get through to Luke Flanagan, press the hash key.
And just for a laugh;
Returning officer has ordered a wooden stake and a hammer be brought to count centre in an effort to eliminate Dick Roche...lol