I had a firm 5 year fixed mortgage offer from First Active and signed off on contracts/loan forms two weeks ago with my solicitor. However, due to incompetence/delays on part of builder's solicitors in returning basic forms (such as block insurance) the mortgage will not be drawn down by a deadline FA HQ seems to have imposed of this Friday for their listed 5 year rate. FA insisting all forms had to be in by Monday of this week as they take 3-4 days to process loans (this was not communicated to me officially by the Bank at any stage, just found out in passing). While I would be happy to withdrawn from sale, I cannot as I have paid a largish 10% deposit and will lose it. I am now stuck looking for another mortgage offer and will be penalised to the tune of €300 per month (for someone else's incompetence) and may not even qualify for the same loan amount. Any advice welcome,