Draughty Windows


Registered User
Can anyone tell me what you can do about a draught coming from the windows. We have it in two rooms upstairs. The source of the problem is that the windows which open out do not seem to form a completed seal against the frame when closed. The house is about eight years old. Any advise on how to fix this problem?
I once had this with some PVC windows in my house.
The problem was the hinges were sticking a bit and all they needed was some oil. They shut properly afterwards.
Just get some wd40 or any oil and see if it helps.
There are these brass coloured bolts at the side of the window into which an Allen key fits. As far as I remember size 6 (6mm). These bolts have a marked/engraved slit like the hand on a watch. If this hand shows toward the frame (which holds it tight/catches it when the window is closed) then the tightness is not very strong. When you use the Allen key you can turn the bolts, the tightest position would be when the hand shows to the window. Don't overtighten it, work bit for bit until a sheet of paper or a playing card is not falling/slipping through the sealant strips.