Dr Shah.com ?


Registered User
There is a website drshah.com. Has anybody ever used this site? I would be interested in the opinions of anybody who used it or went on any of his courses.

http://www.askdrshah.com/ . This website is a homeopathic health site that offers potential cures for various illnesses.
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Homeopathy is a scam.

Homeopathic medicines are so diluted that their only effect is a placebo effect. Placebos have been known to work, but for pyschological, rather than medical reasons.

That's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
I totally agree with extopia except I would go further and assert that this is not just opinion - it's clinically proven that homeopathy is no better than a placebo. The claims by all sorts of practitioners and users that this is not the case are worth nothing. Save your money and and spend it on something that is clinically proven to work for whatever ailment/condition that you suffer from.
If you believe that homeopathy can help you with certain illnesses then by all means use the website because then as a self fulfilling prophecy you will find an alleviation of symptoms or a cure!
If not, why not try a more tried and tested "complimentary" therapy that has proven results?
There is many opinions and research carried out to say whether homeopathy works or does not work. If you want to look at some positive research see [broken link removed] .
I happen to believe it works in certain circumstances
and is more suitable for certain types of illnesses. This posting was to find out did anybody have any experience with drshah.com website. It was not meant to be a posting about homeopathy in general. Thanks for your replies to date.
"it's clinically proven that homeopathy is no better than a placebo."

Oh no it isn't. Well, news to me anyway. If it is clinically proven, I would be very grateful to be directed to evidence.

It may be perhaps that the intended statement was

"it has not been clinically proven that homeopathy is any better than placebo" ?

Such a view is certainly arguable, but is a far less sweeping statement.

The link posted by the last contributor seems very persuasive that something is going on in some homeopathic applications. Anyone come across anything similar? (by which I mean published studies showing an effect produced by homeopathic preparations, analysed by what appears\claims to be objectively measurable and repeatable means )
It may be perhaps that the intended statement was

"it has not been clinically proven that homeopathy is any better than placebo" ?
Sorry - that is what I meant. My mistake. See here for more on why homeopathy is no better than a placebo:


And don't forget that if you can prove that homeopathy works then you can collect your million dollars here.
Yeah but...

If you look hard enough, you will find such studies. But if you look a bit harder, you will find that they are debunked.

Homeopathy is very appealing. Drinking plain water can't really be bad for you. It's so much nicer than going through chemotherapy or some other invasive procedure. Homeopathy is so "natural". But the problem is that there is no evidence that it works and there is no scientific reason why it should work.

James Randi has very clear views on "homeopathy"; you can check out some of his views on youtube. Personally I think it's a load of rubbish and when you look at it's origins and the "rationale" behind it I wonder how they get away with it....
I have no idea how people can get away with hawking such rubbish either. I can see how a lot of complementary treatments may provide relief from conditions/symptoms, but there is no scientific basis at all for homeopathy. The idea that diluting a substance will somehow increase its potency in pure bunkum in my book. Still, the placebo effect is quite a powerful treatment in its own right.
The OP was very specific in asking for opinions from people who had either used the site or been on any of the courses NOT peoples opinions on Homeopathy
If not, why not try a more tried and tested "complimentary" therapy that has proven results?

That's a lovely post, mo3art. (Maybe you'd let us know of the outcome of the compliment? Did it work? Are you feeling better? )
suicra05 said:
I happen to believe it works in certain circumstances

The key word here is "believe". In my experience, no amount of links and quotes showing that homeopathy is a sham will counter this.
The OP was very specific in asking for opinions from people who had either used the site or been on any of the courses NOT peoples opinions on Homeopathy

You're right. Let's be more specific.

The site peddles homeopathy remedies and is therefore suspect.
It doesn't matter what anybody "thinks" - it's what hypotheses the data/evidence support that matters. As mentioned earlier there are no generally accepted (i.e. peer reviewed and established as scientifically acceptable) trials/results that support the hypothesis that homeopathy is any better than a placebo.
As mentioned earlier there are no generally accepted (i.e. peer reviewed and established as scientifically acceptable) trials/results that support the hypothesis that homeopathy is any better than a placebo.

It seems from the New Scientist article that there is such a scientifically accepted study, although the article does not give the reference.
It seems from the New Scientist article that there is such a scientifically accepted study, although the article does not give the reference.

Actually it does give a reference: Inflammation Research, vol 53, p 181. The study is inconclusive - it suggests that "something is going on" but nobody seems to know what.