Dr Bill


Registered User
Should Gift grub stop doing the inpressions of Dr Bill as he is much funnier at taking the P155 out of himself

The man is a genius......

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I honestly can't understand how so many people seem to make a virtue out of mocking Bill Cullen while nobody seems to notice the irony in successful, well-educated business people paying ridiculous sums to listen to the same sort of 'self-improvement' guff from the likes of Charles Handy, Robert Kiyosaki and their imitators?

Is it because we can't stand seeing a normal, working-class guy like Culllen doing well for himself, particularly if he has the gall to hold on to his native accent?
I never heard of him before last week but he seems to be verys well known for some reason. He seems like a pretty strong personality. I don't go in for get rich schemes/scams either but ultimately I don't think that this is what he was selling and what he was saying seemed a lot like common sense and the sort of self improvement tips that many others promote (and he didn't seem to claim any sort of monopoly or exclusive insight into this sort of thing). I would have been more cynical about this sort of thing years ago but these days I can see no harm in people advising others to take responsibility for and control of their own personal situations (i.e. don't assume that life "happens to you" as some sort of passive entity), to put in hard work with a view to achieving their goals, that it helps to be happy in what they do etc. etc. I can understand why some might find the people who tend to deliver these sorts of messages intimidating or overbearing or their writing style not to their taste (e.g. I like the late Peter McWilliams' books - similar sort of stuff to BC's and all available for free - but the writing style takes a bit of getting used to!) but often the messages are quite simple and ultimately common sense. As for slagging BC off - I would be fairly sure that it would not bother him one bit. One key self improvement tip that is commonly promoted is that you cannot control what others think (e.g. of yourself) and that you should accept their views whether you like them or not and not waste time with resentment. Somehow I imagine that BC has mastered this one!
I would think that quite an amount of people (myself included) have only first heard of Bill Cullen because of the sketches on Today FM's Last Word...
Maybe that explains why I hadn't heard of him before. I don't listen to Today FM other than their Sunday evening indie music programme in recent weeks. The only Gift Grub stuff that I've ever heard was on their TV ads and, from that, it was no Scrap Saturday as far as I could see.
I guess Dr Bill is laughing all the way to the bank as the Gift Grub stuff has raised his profile immensely.

I actually would have nothing but respect for the man, especially as a business man

And in relation to giving self-motivational seminars, there are plenty of idiots who have never made a penny from business (some of whom you mentioned), who do well at it, so why shouldn't he

And his accent, growing up in Dublin 1 also, why should he lose it
I haven't and I spent 4 years abroad

(Don't get me started on Irish Wockney's who after 6 weeks are "going down the 'battle' to see me mate John, he's a right 'fridge' he is)

I would rather listing to him then gift grub, he just takes himself to seriuosly
And is more of a caricature then the radio impression ever could be

There is fat too many begrudgers in this country, and I hope I did not come accross that way

Here's to Dr Bill

The man, has a incredible view on life, something that all Irish should take a leaf out of... Instead of moaning and complaining about things he just got up off his This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language and got it done...

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I say Fair Play to him... if I amass half his wealth I will be sucessful...
all the same , the sketch about him going into space in a customised Renault Espace is hilarious...daithi
ClubMan said:
If you amass half his wealth he might call the cops! ;)
very good Clubby, I'd stick in a laughing smilie if there was one to stick in (that sounds rude and I don't know why...)