DPP court case


Registered User
I am due to appear for the 4th time in court in a couple of weeks as a witness in an assault case.
I was assaulted 2 years ago , made a complain to the Garda who then brought this case to the court!
I went 3 times to court (Dublin) in the last year , the case was posponed everytime for various reasons like the defendant is not here or....)
I so far took 3 days off for nothing !

This ridiculous game doesn't seem to bother the local garda.
Being a witness i can't get a solicitor to represent me and i am not allowed to stand up in court to complain.

What can i do for the case to go ahead ? How long will this game go on ?

It seems that the law is made for the offender and that there is nothing else i can do except suing him myself , thing i don't want to do as it will bring extra costs , stress etc....

Any tips would be appreciated
The only thing you can do is speak to the super or inspector dealing with the case and ask them to mention to the judge that you have already come to court three times and it has been adjourned etc. As you have pointed out, except as a witness to the assault, you have no locus standi in the case and no solicitor would have a right of audience on your behalf.

You may be the victim but the law sees this case as a case taken by the state against the alleged offender who are the two parties with a right of audience.

And as you have said, you have the right to bring a private action against the alleged offender if you wish.
A couple of points:

If there were three previous adjournments - at whose request were these adjournments? If the Guards asked you to attend it would seem that they were ready to proceed, so I guess it was at the Defendants request? Why did they not seek a peremptory adjournment (which effectively means case must go ahead on adjourned date). Maybe you could diplomatically ask the guard if he would insist on proceeding next time or at the very least seek a peremptory adjournment.

Is the Defendant employed and/or asset owner? - if so, why would you not have consulted a Solicitor to consider a civil action? Any conviction for the criminal offence means that your civil action would simply be an exercise in determining amount of compensation. Presumably the prosecuting Guard has asked you to keep a record of your out of pocket expenses and costs incurred in attending Court as well as any medical expenses you have incurred or are likely to continue to incur. It is sometimes the case that the Judge requires the Defendant to pay compensation to the Defendant.