Downsizing to a smaller house


Registered User
I've wanted to move for some time, I know this might be the worst possible time to do this but it's on my mind so I thought I'd ask here.
Used to be very happy in our house, it's not huge, it's just a big semi, but it just seems too big now. I think I'd like a smaller house more like one I grew up in, there are a few for sale near me, I'm going to view them on Friday. I can't put my finger on why I want to do this, but since I had a baby I just can't see a future for us in our current house.
It's not the end of the world if we stay where we are, but I wouldn't mind selling up if someone offered to buy ours.
I downsized my car a few years back and am much happier in a smaller car, everyone thought I was nuts but I just like smaller things!

Is it a mad thing to do? Has anyone here done it. I would love to hear opinions or advice about this. Thanks a million.
How old is your baby? If your baby is still a baby who is not moving around much, then don't make the move too soon. We also live in a small place that seemed ok-ish until he started moving it feels as if we have a lively toddler bouncing off the walls for lack of space...I guess it would also depend on whether you were planning on more children? Would you not consider renting a house (lots of the houses up for sale are also up for rent at the moment) to see if it does indeed suit your lifestyle and living with a baby in a smaller place? And if it does...then take the plunge and buy. If it does not suit, then you still have your original house and you have not made a huge mistake that you may regret if you realise that family life in a small house is not for you?
you sound perfect for a house swop with someone. Most people want to upsize. There was something the other morning on gerry ryan about 2 people who swopped everything including furniture. Course both houses would have to be roughly worth the same, but when very little is selling it might be worth checking out. And you'd make someone else very happy who is in a smallerhouse.

best of luck