Downsizing Question


Registered User
I have planning to build a 2500sq ft but wont be building for quite a while unfortunately,my question is can I build the house smaller if I want or do I have to change permission officially?
A word with the planning authority should answer the question quickly and accurately.
I have planning to build a 2500sq ft but wont be building for quite a while unfortunately,my question is can I build the house smaller if I want or do I have to change permission officially?

Permissions usually contain a condition such that the development must be carried out in accordance with the plans and particulars lodged as may be qualified of amended by the other conditions.
Normally, unless the development is phased, you would have to change permission officially.
BTW a Grant of Permission runs for five years from the date.



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All advice on AAM is remote from the situation and cannot be relied upon as a defence or support - in and of itself - should legal action be taken.
Competent legal and building professionals should be asked to advise in Real Life with rights to inspect and issue reports on the matters at hand.
ONQ is correct - if you build it smaller then technically it is a diffenent house.
Therefore it will require full planning permission - which requires a new application!
No reason to be afraid feardorcha.
A lesser house will usually attract a resaonable response.
You could box clever and design the house as a phased development over time.

However while you may save on the initial build costs of the house proper, main items of expense such as the entrance, driveway, parking apron, foul sewage runs and treatment system and surface water disposal / attenuation system may all be asked for as part of Phase I.



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All advice on AAM is remote from the situation and cannot be relied upon as a defence or support - in and of itself - should legal action be taken.
Competent legal and building professionals should be asked to advise in Real Life with rights to inspect and issue reports on the matters at hand.
Thanks ONQ, the way things are going I wont have built by the time the five years are up so prob will have to re-apply anyway