Downloading music



I am running on windows 98ME 64 ram and trying to download some music files. I think I am running on 56k connection - is 3400 B/ps the right download speed and how can I speed things up? Sorry am a total beginner here and floundering a bit. Thanks.
The limiting factor here is going to be your connection to the internet. With dial-up you're not going to be able to improve much on what you are experiencing. To speed things up significantly, you'll have to try a broadband connection. See here for providers in your area.
If you're using a peer-to-peer service to download, you're also constricted by the bandwith on the PC from where you are copying the file.
In other words, if you have a super-fast high-speed copnnection to the internet, you can still only download as fast as the connection that exists between the computer you're downloading from, and the internet, allows.
Will have to check out broadband via satellite , I think. Checked my speeds which were per 50,000k 26.96 kbps 3.37KBps(mcafie)

I think that my eircom line is not very good , how do I get them to upgrade it??

Thanks again.