Down to 4day week am I entitled to anything?



Hi guys

Please bear with me I am new to all this. I was on maternity leave & planned to come back to work full time (nurse in private sector) however when it was near the time I was told I could only come back 4day week due to downturn. I am on €56k pro rata. My husband is in the process of folding up his buisness (Cafe- leasehold self employed sole trader) with a revenue bill of 60K & God only knows how much he owes to creditors because he has traded at a loss for the past 18mths which we cannot pay now as we do not have it. We are in negative equity on our house as it was remorgaged to finance the cafe. I'm just wondering would I be entiltled to anything or even does 4day/w affect my stamp?. I have only thought about this now as there has been so much upheavel & stress over the past year. DH now stay at home to mind the kids.

thanks in advance
You must be unemployed for at least 3 days in any 6 (mon-Sat) to be entitled to claim Jobseeker's Benefit/Allowance. Unless one of the four dyas in a Sunday, then you are not entitled to JB/JA for the reduced working week.