Doors Opening Causing Damage


Registered User
One of my gripes is people opening their doors and hitting the side of my car. My last car was corrugated when you looked at an angle down the side. I have changed my car and I am very protective with it to maintain the finish, it can also cause rust if the paint is penetrated. I caught a women the other day putting her shoes on in the drivers seat with her door tapping against my car. I have had kids opening their doors against mine.
Do people not care? I try to park away from shopping trolley bays and pick spaces in the car park where it is not so busy. It would appear that most car parks are marked much too close together, try to get as many cars as possible in to an area.
It must be great to be perfect. Never squeezed out of a car and accidentally hit the car beside you. Course you did but it didn't matter that much as neither were your car ! Welcome to the real world.
try those door protectors that may stop other doors banging against yours, get good strong types.

It must be great to be perfect. Never squeezed out of a car and accidentally hit the car beside you. Course you did but it didn't matter that much as neither were your car ! Welcome to the real world.

That's a bit harsh Mercman...

I make a point of not touching my door on cars parked next to me when I enter/exit my own car because I know how infuriating it is to have your car 'corrugated' by careless motorists.

I'm going to sound old and cantankerous now but some people have a complete lack of respect and general awareness of what's going on around them.

There's no need to bang your door off the car next to you. Even if the parking space is a bit tight.
do people not care? I try to park away from shopping trolley bays and pick spaces in the car park where it is not so busy.

Have to confess it bothers me too, although I do accept scratches from this are unavoidable and have even banged a few myself.

To minimise it though I also avoid parking near trolley bays, always park in between two cars newer than mine, never park beside three door cars (much bigger doors) or battered cars, and an absolute no no, never park where the car on either side has reversed in as have to often seen the driver return and try to squeeze their shopping trolley between cars to get to their booth.

Doesn’t make parking easy though, often simpler to walk where practical.
I can park in "Mothers and Babies", never pick the one nearest the exit door, seen many a heavy tolley free falling away from shopper with couple of kids into that car parked there.
It's very easy to avoid hitting other cars with your door - if there is a chance of this happening, open your door very slightly, and simply grip the door with your fingers on the outside of the door. That way your fingers act as a buffer and will bump the other car first.

I know, it sounds like a Viz top tip, but seriously, it's what I do!
Is the odd bang of another car door, a trolley bumping the car, the odd ball hitting it etc not just part and parcel of owning a car - natural wear and tear as it were?
Agree its very annoying alright, i've mentioned it to a few people whom I caught in the act, some apologies profusely, others looked at me as if I was nuts, others almost told me to F off. Its a behaviour thing. Others let their dopey kids swing the door open without a care in the world for my innocent beautiful car thats beside their crappy people carrier.
Is the odd bang of another car door, a trolley bumping the car, the odd ball hitting it etc not just part and parcel of owning a car - natural wear and tear as it were?

No, all of those are caused by people who dont respect other people's property enough to care
No, all of those are caused by people who dont respect other people's property enough to care

100% Agree. This is a pet hate of mine.

I also park further away from the door of shopping centres, etc to avoid this happening. I dont mind a bit of a walk to the door. Also, where possible not next to cars with baby seats in the back.

Couple of months ago, came back to my car to catch a woman with the door of her car pressed against my car, taking the baby out (think she was Granny)She had chipped the door handle. (car was 6 months old at the time and an expensive model) There was no need for it as the car park being almost empty and her knowing that she would be taking the baby out, she still parked on top of my car not leaving enough room.

She nearly died when she saw me walking towards the car she had the door open against. She knew by my face was not happy and I had words with her.

I disagree it is part and parcel of driving a carelessness for other peoples property.

Some people are into cars, some are not, I am and always mind my cars. I change them frequently. Hate seeing cars looking like you could join the dots down the side.
I disagree it is part and parcel of driving a carelessness for other peoples property.

I agree there are cases where people are genuinely careless and could be more respectful. But there are also plenty of cases where people dont mean to hit off a car, but the wind grabs their door, or the trolley they are pushing has a mind of its own and it accidently bumps off a car.

I personally dont find any of it a big deal - then again, Im not into cars, they are just a means of getting from A to B for me.

I agree also - I am very careful of my door touching an adjacent car, but some people don't see to give a hoot.
One thing in mitigation for the "bangers" - it isn't always the other driver's fault - Sometimes kids can be exuberant in getting out of the car, and open the door quickly - with the best will in the world, it isn't always possible to control kids at certain ages.
Even so, this 'means' will be worth less when you go to sell it if it's covered in little scratches, chips or dents!

Ive never sold a car, I drive them til theyre so old that they are worth nothing and then either scrap them or give them away to someone learning how to drive
Is the odd bang of another car door, a trolley bumping the car, the odd ball hitting it etc not just part and parcel of owning a car - natural wear and tear as it were?
Of course, and particularly for those with an A to B outlook. I endeavour not to hit off other cars and to prevent my kids from doing so (easier task now as I have sliding rear doors). I wouldn't loose any sleep about someone unintentionally hitting off or scratching my car (providing they are somewhat apologetic).
oh my god this drives me crazy, i have a designated parking spot in the development i live in and at least once a week i've paint missing off the doors where some inconsiderate w*^ker has hit their door off mine. I only changed the car a few months ago, car not even 4 years old - spotless bmw for the uk but now it's been touched up at least 10 times! only i work in the trade i'd be fleeced!

basically i think it's so inconsiderate as i ALWAYS manage to get out of my car without hitting the car beside me abd can't see why others can't do the same.
Ive never sold a car, I drive them til theyre so old that they are worth nothing and then either scrap them or give them away to someone learning how to drive

Well good for you then!!

You must realise though that many (most?) people do sell their cars and would be hoping to get the best price they can?
Well good for you then!!

You must realise though that many (most?) people do sell their cars and would be hoping to get the best price they can?

Oh I do agree - and I fully agree that there are many inconsiderate people out there - but I also feel that some amount of wear and tear is to be expected and you know when you get a car that its going to be parked in different places, and its going to meet inconsiderate people, and its going to meet genuine accidental bumps, so I just wouldnt get too pushed over it.

Its just life.