Doors closing by themselevs..

Registered User
Some doors in my almost new gaff close by themselves. Off plumb no doubt.

This can be annoying, anyone know some quick-fix solutions to this???

BM said:
Some doors in my almost new gaff close by themselves. Off plumb no doubt.

This can be annoying, anyone know some quick-fix solutions to this???


Why not just ring the builders? said:
We've come a long way since doorstops.....
But sometimes the old solutions are the best especially when a quick fix is required.
Are you sure the doors aren't fitted with self closing hinges? Stanley manufacture a spring loaded hinge that can be adjusted using a hex key.
ClubMan said:
But sometimes the old solutions are the best especially when a quick fix is required.

True, but I want to solve it a bit better than a stop.

I wonder if I put washers or something similar uner the hinge on the bottom.

Wouldnt this counter act any outward force?

I know this probably sounds very stupid but why would you want to stop the doors from closing? I spend my time closing doors (usually left open by the kids) to save on heat loss/draughts.
sueellen said:
I know this probably sounds very stupid but why would you want to stop the doors from closing? I spend my time closing doors (usually left open by the kids) to save on heat loss/draughts.

I'd prefer to leave the decision to close doors to us humans, if all of them swing shut it would be ok, but selected ones? - just annoying!

AFAIK many new build houses have self-closing doors installed, particularly if it's a timber frame house. It's to do with preventing fire spread. We had to remove the hinges on all the doors and replace with less "springy" ones after I broke 2 fingers on 2 different occasions when they closed too quickly on me.
The local hospital was slightly concerned and asked me questions about spousal abuse ;) That was definitely the turning point.....
Presumably you'd need to adjust some or all of the hinges (i.e. how they attach to the door and/or frame) so that the door is level with the ground (as measured by a spirit level on the top of the door)?
You do realise that if you tamper with internal doors which are fire-doors fulfilling building regulations then you need to inform your insurers as this will affect your cover.