Door to door sales & junkmail

Instead of standing there and pretending to listen to their waffle i just say "I'm sorry, my parents (ie. bill payers) aren't here at the moment and i have no idea when they will be back".

Must try that myself

"Sorry my wife isn't here at the moment and I'm not allowed make any decisions like this without adequate supervision"

Actually it's notall that far from the truth anyway so should be easy to keep a straight face!
I am that cranky rude householder at the moment.
I work fulltime, have young children and am pregnant. Unsolicited sales calls to my door at 8pm are getting the full brunt of all they deserve
/ rant
I cant think of a worse job than door-to-door selling. You would need a brass neck. But, requests not to be disturbed should be honoured too. I recognise that the way the unemployment situation is going in Ireland there will be more and more cold callers trying to make a living. In the 8000 jump in unemployment figures released yesterday the majority are from the professional and clerical areas.

Be careful the way you treat these people, you might be working with them someday.

That's all well and good, I get it's a tough job, I get that people need to earn a living. However, the point is that I never invited them to call, the first principle is that they are disturbing my time at home after a day's work and so at first instance must be respectful of that. In the main they aren't.

They don't apologise (even when they called during the world cup and it was obvious I was watching the game) in my experience, they try all the training techniques of keeping me at the door even when it's obvious I'm not interested and they insult or infer that I'm stupid when I refuse their wonderful offer.

Having said all that, the ones who are the most respectful when it comes to "cold calling" are the local Mormons. No hassle, no "bullying", a simple not interested and they thank me for my time, apologise for disturbing me and move on (though they always have that weird perma-smile).
In the last few weeks I have had 3 different reps from Sky calling to sell us Sky HD..even though we have it. Surely they should at least be able to check. By the third time I was getting quite annoyed and asked the rep to ensure I was not contacted again...though I have no idea if it will make a difference.

Eircom phone watch were bad for a while, despite the fact we clearly have a working alarm they still insisted in trying to get us to sign up.

Airtricity I simply say no and shut the door on them, no discussion as I find them too pushy.

Still, none of them are as bad as the "French Painters" trying to sell his original paintings
Thw guys that collect the clothes drop leaflets through letterboxes in my area at 4am in the morning. They wake me up twice a week.

How do you deal with people doing this. They don't answer phone numbers or emails.

The guards say they can do nothing about it.

Block the letterbox until you get up? (perhaps with a brick with string on in front of it and a note on the brick saying "this brick is connected to the rottweiler sleeping behind you...your move".)
My Mam did this recently to someone trying to sell her something. Just said, "my mammy is not in at the moment" with a perfectly straight face. My mam is 64. Person did not know what to say and just went away.
I use the line that "I am the cleaner" and the boss is out. I have got funny looks when I answered the door in my dressing gown.
I have a no junk mail sign on the door too, and the only people who disregard it are the local politicians with their pointless, self-glorifying newsletters, which to be fair, which I assume are being paid for out of taxpayers money!
I don't know what makes politicians think they are beyond the realm of no-junk mail. There is one particular politician does it at least once a month, so I know who I won't be voting for next time round!!
the local politicians with their pointless, self-glorifying newsletters, which to be fair, which I assume are being paid for out of taxpayers money!
If it is a local councillor, the newsletter is not being paid for out of taxpayers money. If it is a TD, it might be printed in the Dail at a subsidised rate.
Its a lousy job alright calling door to door and its so dificult not to get annoyed with them! Ended up having a row with a guy from a well known charity organisation one evening who started getting angry with me coz I wouldn't sign up for his direct debit donations. Heard him do the same to the neighbours after he was gone from our house. Completely ignorant, complained about him but never heard anything back.

And as for the leaflet droppers, we had a sign up saying "No Junk Mail" for a while which worked but it just looked stupid on the door. Was thinking of putting the green bin out the front with "Junk Mail Here" on it! Probably wouldn't look much better though!

Since we took the sign down, the usual flow of stuff is back and our letter-box flap ended up broken. I'm well sick of the piles of stuff jammed into the letter-box every evening that goes straight into the bin. Anyone know are these leaflet droppers working for a particular company or how does that work?

...and don't get me started on the "Charity" clothing collection leaflets with their fake charity reg or company reg numbers and spelling mistakes.
...and don't get me started on the "Charity" clothing collection leaflets with their fake charity reg or company reg numbers and spelling mistakes.

The fake "Charity" leaflets are rarely put through the door properly, they are left half hanging out of the letterbox. There is a reason for this - they then know which houses are empty / vacant / owner on hols. There are theories that these people are responsible for burglaries. The postman manages to put the post through the letterbox and it can't be seen so why can't they?
The postman manages to put the post through the letterbox and it can't be seen so why can't they?

More like simple laziness or timesaving I'd say. If you're 'delivering' say 500 or 600 of these per day, you would probably save almost an hour by not bothering to push it through the letter box properly.

The people who deliver ours don't even make to to the door - we always find these bags with elastic round them lying on the ground outside our gate - we use them as bin bags.

Block up the slot in your door and put a letterbox at your gate?