Door mechanism faulty, need to push handle down to close.


Registered User
We have two external doors in our house. One is a wooden door the other PVC. The wooden door wont close when handle is in 'neutral' position. So when closing the door we cant just push it behind us. We have to push the handle down (opening) then push it closed. The latches seem to go into the locking position when the handle is in the middle. I've tried a few different things, like good old WD40 (knew it wouldnt work, but gave it a shot anyways).

If I replaced the door mechanism (with [broken link removed] - need to find the matching one for our door) would that fix it? The PVC door seems to suffer the opposite, when you close it you need to pull the handle up for it to stay closed.

Any other tips more than welcome. I'd guess they arent too difficult to replace, bit of cutting to size on the metal parts from what I see but hopefully nothing else.
It's most likely something catching in the multi-point mechanism from wear and tear or slight warping of the door.

Is the full multi-point mechanism easy to remove? If so you could remove and see if you can locate the cause. Clean and reassemble and you'd never know... If you had €78.95 for every time that approach worked

If that does work, then coat the moving parts with something like a ptfe or teflon spray lubricant. The original WD40 is good for cleaning, but it traps dirt and will ruin mechanisms like those over time.
Cheers Leo, I had one of them out a long time ago and saw nothing. I'll remove the one on the main door next chance I get and see if anything is catching. Hopefully that is the case!
Chris - hopefully you won't have to buy a replacement part for the door, but if you do, could try .
Very helpful for advice if you want to make contact with them - no direct connection, just a very satisfied customer for a number of products I've bought off the site.

Also, if you dismantling things, take a quick photo before, in case there's a bit of trouble re-assembling