Doonbeg, Co. Clare



A friend of mine has been given the opportunity of investing in a three bed holiday home in Doonbeg, Co. Clare and is hoping to rent it out and perhaps sell it in about five years. Any views/opinions on what the area is like, how easy it would be to rent out and what you could expect in terms of rental income.

We hear Greg Norman has recently bulit a world class golf course in the area. Would you expect to see the value rise in the next five years?
Any suggestions would be appreciated .Thanks
Hi 16steph, welcome to AAM.

I've moved this to Location, Location, Location as I feel it's a more approriate forum for your question (which, incidentally, is difficult to answer without knowing what price your friend is being quoted for the property...?)
There is a very good golf course but the area has got very built up recently. Rental period is only in the Summer months so don't rely on renting it to pay your mortgage. The golfers using Greg N. golf course normally fly in and out in the same day.
Not so sure that this is a great idea.

doonbeg is an all inclusive resort - so unless you are buying one of the 1MM $$ apts on the course - i am not sure that you will get renters.

The fact is also that the cost of a round of golf there is over 200 Euro's so most golfers that go there probabally can spring for a high end room in the resort - unless of course they are one of the people that fly in for the day

furthermore - golfers in the states, Who generally go to ireland to play the top courses are not overly excited about this course. I know many who are now not including doonbeg in their trips after already playing it for the past 1-2 years.