Don't throw stones at bigger people than you they might be "Israeli"

If they keep sending rockets into Israel, Israel will have to invade again,

It is my belief that if the Israeli's gave HAMAS everything they wanted they'd still send rockets over into Israel.
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Yeah you have to wonder what goes through their heads. Terrorists really are stupid. They could have played the sympathy card for a while and argued for the ending of the blockade and got worldwide political support for it. Also shows how pointless the Israeli invasion was.

This is the thing everybody forgets the problem is not the terrorists, its the people who fund them and give them the weapons and who train them and who brain wash them into "The Cause".
Yes they have
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Now just because the country that founds the terrorist is spreading such statements on one of their "news" webpages which are made to look like a legit BBC site does not mean that their is truth to it.

If you type in that "Depleted uranium found in Gaza victims" into google you see that there is very little neutral coverage on this, mostly it's blogs and other left wing groups repeating the same presstv.

Now I'm not saying the the IDF might not have used weapons that they should not have used, but if there is a reliable source of facts and evidence than for sure that would be a war crime and we would see some UN action.
If you type in that "Depleted uranium found in Gaza victims" into google you see that there is very little neutral coverage on this
Of course it's not very neutral. There is nothing neutral about depleted uranium. I have to agree with your point about the bias of the website but what's the alternative? Present a balanced neutral view on your own people getting hammered and blasted into oblivion? Come on, everybody knows thats not going to happen. Would you have a balanced opinion if an invading army came in here and hosed DU and white phosphorus at us? Like hell you would!
Remember the channel 4 documentary on how little the media were allowed to see of the Gaza invasion? That was to stop the world seeing what really went on there. I just researched the subject and found pictures taken by people actually in gaza. Combine that with what everybody already knows about the us/israeli military and it's a given that DU and white phosporus was used and will continue to be used in future conflicts/invasions.

I am in no way condoning that the use of these weapons is correct in any manner, but some seem to make out that hurdling rockets into Israel aiming to kill as many Jews as possible is acceptable but any counter reaction is unacceptable, immoral etc. Therefore self defence is a one way corridor in the minds of many.
If someone breaks into my house with a knife and I have a shotgun under the bed I don’t leave it there so that we can have a fair fight; I shoot at the guy with the sole aim of taking him out while minimising the risk of bodily harm to me. Proportionality is for people who aren’t getting shot at.

And you do that accepting the risk that you will go to jail for it because defending your home is not lawfull, you have to retreat.

While I agree with this scenario I would not say that the IDF should use everything they have in this (because I don't want a radioactive waistland) but they must use resonable weapons at their disposal.

Just because Hamaz and Iran are using illegial weapons does not mean the IDF should also use them. UD is not a good weapon to use if there are civilians arround but I'm sure that IDF is taking this very seriously and will get down to the bottom of it.
So it remains OK for you to be hacked to death, as you wouldn't want to use the Shotgun as you are in the game of wanting to die in a fair way !! Proportionality in the Gaza / Israeli conflict remains that the Israelis are better placed to defend themselves or the other side have a rotten shot. The Israelis primarily targeted members of Hamas. It is not their fault if Hamas used children or women as shields or moving targets.
This is the thing everybody forgets the problem is not the terrorists, its the people who fund them and give them the weapons and who train them and who brain wash them into "The Cause".

The problems lies with both the terrorists and there supporters. Nobody brainwashes anyone unless they are quite willing to accept whatever cause is on offer.

The terrorists are much at fault here.
The problems lies with both the terrorists and there supporters. Nobody brainwashes anyone unless they are quite willing to accept whatever cause is on offer.

The terrorists are much at fault here.
True, there is fault on both sides. However, israel blockaded the gazans and prevented any goods or services from entering the area. This was naturally going to result in a pressure cooker effect with the resultant sudden release of that pressure. People can only take so much.

Ollie. I think you might have this one slightly wrong. The Israelis blockaded the Gazans only after they were bombarded day after day and month after month with their rockets. What did anyone expect them to do.
The Israelis blockaded the Gazans only after they were bombarded day after day and month after month with their rockets. What did anyone expect them to do.

This is my whole point
If I had a spud gun and my mate next door had an uzi, I certainly wouldn't wanna pee him off by shooting at him with me spud gun every day.
If I had a spud gun and my mate next door had an uzi, I certainly wouldn't wanna pee him off by shooting at him with me spud gun every day.

What if the local council decided to give your house to your mate and told you that you had to live in the toolshed?
The spudgun still wouldn't be much use to me.

They couldn't anyway, because I own the house and there'd be some fun if they tried give it away!
The spudgun still wouldn't be much use to me.

It wouldn't, but you might be tempted to use it anyway.

They couldn't anyway, because I own the house and there'd be some fun if they tried give it away!

Admittedly it's not a realistic analogy but I think you have misunderstood. The Arab population also thought they owned most of the territory awarded to Israel under the U.N. Partition Plan. There has indeed been "some fun" since that plan was passed.
The Arab population also thought they owned most of the territory awarded to Israel under the U.N. Partition Plan.

Well why don't they take their grievance out with those that devised the plan instead of continually blasting Israel.
Well why don't they take their grievance out with those that devised the plan instead of continually blasting Israel.

Palestine is not a member of the United Nations. The most powerful member of the U.N. also tends not to be sympathetic to their grievance.