Don't throw stones at bigger people than you they might be "Israeli"

Imagine if the characters who fund this terror were to put their money into helping the Palestinian people instead of giving them rockets.

And really that's the crux of it; in a holy land where money rushes up out of the ground the people in a small strip of land are left to rot and the only country that has ever given them anything is the one country that they have sworn to destroy. Meanwhile what they need it infrastructure and food and all their rich Arab neighbours give them is religious hatred and the instruments of death.
I agree 100%, and its refreshing to read the above , instead of the anti-Israeli propoganda we get so much of.
Israel had no choice it had to start the bombardment and invasion.

Israel has to be seen to be tough as they are surrounded by enemies.

If Israel left Palestine tomorrow how long do you think i would take for the rockets to start again.

If Israel unilaterally pulled out from the entire territory without an agreed final settlement, I'm sure violence would continue. That's one of the errors they made with Gaza. Ariel Sharon decided he and he alone was going to decide the borders of a Palestinian state and somehow that would solve the problem. Clearly, it didn't.

Since the Palestinian people are broke where does the money for their rockets come from?

I'm not quite sure how this comment relates to what I posted but if you're insinuating the money is coming from the governments of Egypt or Jordan then you're simply wrong. The main backing for Hamas and Hezbollah comes from Iran which as I've already outlined is a regional rival to the predominantly Sunni Arab states. You seem to have a rather vague general sense that somehow all Arab states in the region have the same position towards the state of Israel. This is not the case and political leaders in Israel more than anyone know this. Egypt and Jordan have normal relations with Israel and Israel certainly doesn't want to see the present regimes there overthrown by Islamists. Such a development would make the situation in the whole region immeasurably worse.

The fact that the Katyusha missiles are getting from Iran, into Egypt, and then on into Gaza should show Israel who its friends are.

Israel does not regard the present Egyptian government as complicit in the smuggling of weapons into Gaza. The rocket attacks began in 2001 and Israel was in full occupation of Gaza until 2005. Even they could not fully control the transit of arms through tunnels when they had soldiers on the ground controlling their side of the border.

...and the only country that has ever given them anything is the one country that they have sworn to destroy.

Purple, you keep repeating this line. You would think from reading it that Israel has only ever extended the hand of friendship to the Palestinians. I don't see how doing to the West Bank since 1967 is giving the Palestinians anything. It's a slow insidious takeover of the land, cutting off one Palestinian area from another and strangling the prospects for a Palestinian state. All the while keeping Palestinians under military control and without any democratic voice in the development that takes place around them.

Interesting article in the Indo about it.

So what's Myers point here? that Israel would have been better to engage in wholesale ethnic cleansing in 1948 and 1967 and completely expel the indigenous population? Well at least it would be consistent with what the settler movement are trying to do today.
Just because Israel was in Gaza in 2001 it doesn’t follow that they fully controlled it. They also know that the less they say against moderate Arab states the better.
Israel gave aid and even arms to the Palestinian Authority under Arafat when they set up their own government. The Arab world gave them nothing because they were a secular government.
If they did in 1947 what was done across Europe at that time then yes, the problem would not exist now. In the context of today’s morality it would not be acceptable but it would have been then (particularly since the Arab League had just invaded and attempted to kill every Jew in Palestine).
I get the feeling that this debate will go on forever. I was never a fan of debates, mostly because i couldn't debate my way out of a wet paper bag! Having said that, i found this and thought it made for interesting reading:
I'm not biased either way but when i read that Israel is funded for weapons to the tune of $3bn per year and is showering Palestine with depleted uranium, which is actually nuclear waste, i tend to feel sick. Here is a link to pictures taken in Gaza during the raid:
I ask everyone to look closely at these pictures and make their own minds up.

From looking at their site Ollie they are clearly very anti American with strong left wing leanings.
Ask yourself; who benefits from civilian casualties in Gaza? It sure isn't Israel. They didn't "shower" the people of Gaza with anything, since if they wanted to they could kill every one of them within hours (even without nuclear weapons).
Their tactics may have been heavy handed and counterproductive in the long term (I don't think so but time will tell) but I don't accept for a minute that they targeted civilians. That's not to say they didn't kill any, they did, but they were not the targets.
If Hamas didn't want civilians killed they shouldn't have used them as human shields.

Purple I admire your posts and I agree with alot of what you say but I can't help but think you are a bit naive on this. I don't think the Israeli Government or Military as a whole deliberately targeted civillians but I think there is now enough evidence from independent sources such as the Red Cross and the UN to suggest that invdividual units and soldiers with the Israeli army have cases to answer for. The fact that Israel has acted so quickly to say they would not put forward any of their troops to answer questions on possible crimes backs this up. For example there is no question anymore that White Phosperous was used in built up areas. Israel are saying one brigade was repsonsible but it still broke international law whoever was responsible.
Israel are saying one brigade was repsonsible but it still broke international law whoever was responsible.

So therefore it remains satisfactory to strap explosives to a person and let them go into Israel onto a bus or in a crowded restaurant and blow themselves up and as many around them as possible. Or to launch rockets directed towards Israel from a school or place of worship, regardless of the religion. I suppose this is OK by International law standards.
Since Israel is a democracy with an independent judiciary if crimes have been committed groups within the state can take legal action against the government and/or military. This has happened before.
I am not suggesting, and have not suggested, that individuals within the Israeli military have no questions to answer. I do make the point that it is not the policy of the Israeli state to target civilians.

What are you talking about? Where did I suggest it wasn't against the law? Once again people assume that because you criticise Israel, you are supporting Hammas. Its pathetic.

International Law covers actions that are acceptable during times of armed conflict. Are you suggesting that Israel's behaviour drops to the same standards as a terrorist organisation like Hammas or should it as a democratic State be held to higher standards of behaviour like the Geneva Convention. If we really want fight terrorists at their own game and show lack of regard for civilian life, the US should probably have nuked Afganistan and half of Pakistan after 9/11. Countries like the US and Israel have to stand for something better than the people they are fighting against.
What are you talking about? Where did I suggest it wasn't against the law? Once again people assume that because you criticise Israel, you are supporting Hammas. Its pathetic.

My post was not a criticism of yours. It was making the point that the International community should not maintain blame against Israel whilst others are hell bent at wiping the Israeli nation off the planet. Israel has to stand for something better than what it is fighting against, but it has the right to protect its citizens. As for Hammas, they were voted in by their people, which knew full well of their agenda. No war will ever be won by slaughtering innocent civilians, but in the same token there is an urgent need to, once and for all, cease the bloodshed, blame game and Anti & Pro propaganda which the average populus has to read, hear and endure.

Oh sorry. Thought you were implying I was saying suicide bombers were not against any law or something!
While not wishing to take sides in this latest conflict, I think we need to be cognizant of where the seeds were sown.

In 1917, Great Britain and her allies were at war with Germany and her allies. With cousin Nicholas in Russia dead and the Bolsheviks in control, the perception at the British cabinet table was that the Bolshevik leaders in Russia were primarily Zionist. With Lord Rothschild, an active Zionist, at the head of the banking and business family in Britain and other Rothschilds and Zionists holding the purse-strings in America, Balfour, former Prime Minister and then Foreign Secretary, issued one of the most extraordinary documents in 20th century history, which forms the basis of the conflict that still rages.

The document, later incorporated into what is generally referred to as the Balfour Declaration stated in part that His Germanic Majesty and his Government "view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" but with the understanding that "nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

This 67-word letter, which at the time was classified and kept secret from "existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine", Britain's allies, and the British public was to serve a number of purposes :

  • Keep the Rothschilds and other Zionist bankers money flowing in Britain to support the war effort
  • Ditto in America as the USA's on-going financial and material support for Britain in the German family dispute was critical
  • Keep the Bolshevik [perceived as Zionist] leadership in Russia sweet and prevent them siding with poor dead Nicky's cousin Willy in Germany against his other cousin in Britain.
As usual, the Brits in issuing the document, made a number of assumptions which proved false :

  • That “ the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" in no way conflicted with “ the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine” or others
  • That “ Palestine” meant the same thing to them as it did to the Zionists and “ non-Jewish communities” [the Sykes-Picot agreement in 1916 had carved up Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Transjordan etc. between the French and the Brits]
  • That Jewish immigration into Palestine would grow and give Jews a population majority in the area. It grew from 1914 to a trickle in the early 1920's, 1926 saw it cease, 1927 / 28 saw net emigration out of the area, which was only stemmed by the 1929 crash.
In 1918 when the letter and Declaration were de-classified and published, there were storms of protest world-wide and riots in Palestine.

From 1918 to 1948 at least six different British-led committees, enquiries, commissions and investigations were instituted to no avail to try and solve the “Palestinian problem”, created by Balfour’s letter, until in 1948 the Irgun eventually kicked the Brits out.

Which brings the history missing from earlier posts in the thread up to date, and in my mind explains why perfidious Albion is once again at the root of the on-going problems in the area, wringing hands and shaking heads in despair as to why these former colonials can’t learn to live together peacefully.

Where did you get your immigration figures from? The only comprehensive census was done by the British in the 30’s. The Ottoman census carried out pre First World War were deeply flawed as they didn’t count non-nationals and it was used as a basis for conscription so the local Muslim population tried to avoid being counted.
In the 20’s and 30’s there was a big influx of both Jews and Arabs. The Arabs were following the relatively rich Jews to their new settlements and working for them.

You have also ignored the fact that if the Arab League had not invaded the day after the UN took charge the state of Israel in its present form wouldn’t exist.

None of this really matters as it has happened and will not change (and if you go back far enough each side can cite events that but right on their side.
What does matter is now and what can and should be done to sort things out.
Where did you get your immigration figures from? ...
Encyclopaedia Brittanica print edition 1983.
...You have also ignored the fact that if the Arab League had not invaded the day after the UN took charge the state of Israel in its present form wouldn’t exist...
I didn't know that the UN was ever in charge of Israel (or Palestine). I know about the UNSCOP proposals approved by the General Assembly in November 1947, but I believe that was the limit of their involvement.

The two invasions in 1948, January by unofficial irregular volunteers, and May, saw Jewish Palestine / Israel occupy lands that were part of the UNSCOP Arab portion of the partitioned lands and after the "official" invasion in May, the lands Israel occupied were ceded to them as part of the Armistice with the Arab League countries.

Interestingly, only the United States and the USSR gave immediate recognition to the new State of Israel when it was proclaimed on May 14, 1948.
... None of this really matters as it has happened and will not change (and if you go back far enough each side can cite events that but right on their side...
I believe it does as the mess is largely the creation of the double-dealing former colonists (France, Britain, the Ottomans, etc.) and all parties in the area are still aggrieved at their treatment.
... What does matter is now and what can and should be done to sort things out.
I wish I knew the answer to this one. All I can say for sure is that based on its history, Israel will defend itself and its population from any and all threats.
I didn't know that the UN was ever in charge of Israel (or Palestine). I know about the UNSCOP proposals approved by the General Assembly in November 1947, but I believe that was the limit of their involvement.
If you read this post from another thread it shows the map of the proposed plan put forward by the UN. If the Arab league had not invaded this is what the Palestinians would have got.
The political history around the formation of the Arab League is very interesting. The Palestinian question was an issue back then but right from the 1920's Arab nations sold the Palestinians out. They were nothing more than a football between the Hashemite/Jordanian faction and the Egyptian faction in the original Arab League.
This is the most balanced source I have found on population in Ottoman and British Mandated Palestine. It's a good read if that sort of stuff floats your boat.
So a ceasefire was called on the 18th Jan, and I am sure that it came as a great relief to the people of Gaza, after their terrible hammering at the hands of an OTT military.

You'd think that they would welcome a bit of peace and quiet to try to get back to some normality. So what do Hamas do? Start firing rockets into Israel again. What exactly are they thinking? And how can they expect the world to feel sorry for them when they try to start it all up again?

There's no profit in peace, is there?
And today the leader of the Palestinians Mahmoud Abbas is now blaming Hammas for placing the Palestinian people in danger. So the world blames Israel, Israel stops, Hammas reluctantly stops and starts again. I don't see the world press condeming Hammas for firing rockets, injuring persons or in fact breaking the cease fire. And their supporters in this country have now taking to verbally abusing people for not signing their propaganda sheets. But of course the rules on Anti Israel or Anti Semitism propaganda are different nowadays -- isn't that right Minister Martin ??