Donation for christening


Registered User
We recently had Quinno Jnr christened, and would like to make a donation to the church in whic he was christened. Anyone any ideas on an appropriate amount? Don't want to be seen to be too mean / flash.....
Clubman you must be on a very nice salary, enough to keep you in Omen DVDs anyway! Its traditional to pay what would keep a priest for a day, so a day's nett salary.
Congrats Quinno. I'm christening my son next weekend and when booking the christening I was asked did I want to pay the EU40 fee (which includes EU10 for the services of the Sacristan) straight away or wait until the day. I'm sure if you wanted to pop a little extra into the envelope they wouldn't turn it down.

Is it just your baby been christened. In our church there could be anything up to 10 babys at the one time. Would this mean the total fee would be €400 ?
How much did John the Baptist charge This post will be deleted if not edited immediately? Maybe we could index that for inflation?
How much do you earn per hour?

Why not donate that much to clergy man, with a similar amount for church.
Thanks for all your replies. We gave €100 in the end, the church is currently developing a new parish center, as well as looking for new instruments for the choir, so it should go someway to helping out. There were only 2 other babies christened on the day, the priest made it very personal and went a longm way to making it a special day for us.