Donate Computers to Charity


Registered User
I have a number of computers complete with monitors, keyboards and mice that I no longer have any use for. They are about 3-4 years old and all are in working order.

I would like to donate them to charity but don't know what charity would want something like this.

Any ideas??
Somebody (MSFTie?) previously posted a link about a Microsoft community programme under which they take and reinstall (with MS operating systems and applications obviously) old PCs for use by charitable and community organisations. I can't find the specific link but you might find it through this portal. There is at least one other organisation that does something similar and distributes used PCs to schools etc. but I can't think of the name now.. . :eek: Perhaps you'll find something useful among ?
ClubMan said:
Somebody (MSFTie?) previously posted a link about a Microsoft community programme under which they take and reinstall (with MS operating systems and applications obviously) old PCs for use by charitable and community organisations. I can't find the specific link but you might find it through
See here for the post mentioned by Clubman.
I have been the recipient of several donated computers for a school. There is a Microsoft programme called Fresh Start for schools to get copies of software for donated pcs. Then there is a refurbishment programme (MAR) where you give the pcs to an agency who refurbish them and sell them on to charities. (Details on ).

IN my experience the best thing you can do is donate the pcs and original software to a deserving cause. The biggest problem for recipients is that donors (quite rightly) wipe the hard disks and forget to include the operating system and drivers software with the donation.

It is completely legal and recommended by Microsoft etc to hand on this software. The only formality is a statement that the pcs are a donation to the recipient.

Try your local school. However IT budgets have increased recently. Many community centres, adult literacy, etc would be glad of them. My own organisation would also take them happily. PM me if you are interested.