Doggy issues


Registered User
Someone I know in work had a dog die last night and is convinced it wasn't natural causes...i.e. dog was poisoned. I said I'd ask here quickly if anyone knew if there was anyway of finding out....i.e. is there such a thing as doggy post mortem or if anyone had any advice???
Ring their vet and ask them for advice seems the best option IMHO.

Very upsetting thing to happen especially if they have kids.
Said that to him but the guy in general is paranoid so don't know what he is up to/going to do...
was there foaming at the mouth or what that has him suspicious?? Agree that vet is only way to go. Could the dog have been accidentally poisoned e.g. rat poison etc. etc.
It is possible to get an autopsy done on a dog. My friend's dog died a while ago and following an autopsy it was found that he had been poisoned. It was very upsetting, but it appears to have been an accidental poisoning.
If an autopsy shows that the animal was poisoned then what next? Either it was an accident (as above) or it was deliberate in which case it would probably be difficult to prove who did it and the Gardaí are hardly likely to investigate. What's the point in going to the expense of finding out why the animal died?
ClubMan said:
If an autopsy shows that the animal was poisoned then what next? Either it was an accident (as above) or it was deliberate in which case it would probably be difficult to prove who did it and the Gardaí are hardly likely to investigate. What's the point in going to the expense of finding out why the animal died?

For once I have to agree! I jokingly told him to call in DSI - Dog Scene Investigators and 'balloon' and 'lead' came to mind. No kids mourning over the dog and it was a mongrel.....
legend99 said:
and it was a mongrel.....

but I'm sure no less loved for that. On a genetic level I believe mongrels are a better dog. Pure breds can basically be inbred, and dogs like Dalmations etc. are supposed to have many inherent problems (poor sight etc.)
In the case of my friend's dog, the vet reckoned that the poison was probably in his system for a number of weeks. So tracing how it happened would be diffiult.

The reason he got an autopsy done was because the dog died while in kennels so he needed to see if they were at fault. Also, he was also owner of another dog from the same bitch, so he needed to ensure it wasn't something hereditary.