Dog Woes


Registered User

A year or so ago, we took on a homeless dog. Dog has recently come into heat and we've been very careful and kept her locked up in her run overnight.

Got up this morning to see her and the neighbours dog sitting staring into each others eyes. The hairly little brat had dug his way into the kennel (amazing the lengths some will go to..).

Anyway, now worried that we are going to have a lovely litter of pups to fend for. I've been told that there is a morning-after type injection that dogs can go for, is this true?

Also, at what age is a dog too old to be spayed?
hard luck...

we had our boxer bitch spayed when she was 7. didnt seem to bother her too much. Dont know about morning after pils for dogs but our dog was on the doggy version of the pill for 7 years - given by injection....and bloody expensive.
There is a doggy morning after pill (same thing happened to my parents' dog - locked in back garden with high walls - and it always seems to be the runts that get through, not a nice dog that would make cute puppies) - you can get it from your vet who should be able to arrange spaying too. Our dog went on the pill after that - think it was six-monthly injections.
I know that with cats it is possible, indeed advisable in the case of unwanted litters, to spay a pregnant cat - effectively, abort the litter and spay the cat at the same time.

Ask your vet if same is possible with pregnant bitches.

If I may ask, why wasn't your bitch spayed already? As you have found out to your cost (and probably to the cost of your local pound/rescue), the only guaranteed way of ensuring your bitch won't get pregnant is to spay it. And while you're at it have a gentle word with your neighbours about neutering their beloved dog - male dogs in particular live longer and healthier lives if they have been neutered.

On the age question, check with your vet, however I would assume that as long as a bitch is able to bear a litter, she can and should be spayed!