Dog Trainer in Cork ?


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We have just agreed to take a 10 month old golden labrador as the elderly lady who had him could not manage him and after only 4 days we are having second thoughts. The garage he sleep in is already like a war-zone. When we approach him he jumps up on us and latches on to a sleeve or pants leg. He needs training urgently or he'll have to go. I would be VERY VERY grateful if someone could recommend an obedience class in Cork or surrounding areas - preferrably one that starts today!!!
From (
Cork Pet Behaviour & Training Centre
Elizabeth Walsh, MSc CABC Southampton University
Based in Clonakilty. Work with puppies, dogs, horses, cats, parrots and exotics. phone: 086 8171264

I had the same problem as you nolo77. He ruined all his cushions for ages and I was black and blue (seriously bruised).
The dog is trying to show you that he is boss the head of the pack.
Don show aggression towards the dog as he is only going my instinct.
Be stern with him when he plays up catch his sollar and say Ah Ah sternly and hold him by the collar and you will see him calming down.
You may be a little frighted but be firm and understand the physcology of what is going on in the dogs head (as strange as that seems)
My friends thought my dog was unhinged as I am a very calm person etc or so they think! but I persevered and he is ok now (kinda!) hes 18mnths.
He probably played up like this with the old lady and she couldnt or was not able to handle him.
You will have a lovely faithfull friend if you persevere, dont show him agression just be firm as he will match and better the agression.
N.B. Do not let him alone with children until he is a lot older and has got out of the tantrum stage - he is not bad just playing up and will try it with anyone he thinks h can master.
If you have the time try this yourself.

Best oof luck

try contacting the Irish Guide Dogs Assoc. I believe they have trainers who work outside the assoc?

also on st coleman community school website they have a trainer in the midleton area. Cant seem to find the site thought.. strange as ive been on it before and saw it myself.
When we approach him he jumps up on us and latches on to a sleeve or pants leg. !!!

Labradors are quick to learn..but the key word is "consistency"!! Very often owners blame the dog for being bold,where in fact all the blame lies with the owner for giving the dog mixed signals! If he jumps up again, step back quickly and firmly (dont yell) say "no, down!" Continue to say this until he backs off. If hes a hyper dog, persist as many times as this requires until he does what you ask i.e be consistent!!!!! Dont say it twice, get fed up and give him attention anyway, it just rewards his behaviour!!Once he's down, praise him and only once he's calm give him attention. I guarantee you within a few days of doing this he will get the message that he only gets fussed over when hes calm and not jumping up! Same principal applies for everything after this. If you are going out the front door and he's lepping all over the place, again use a command e.g. "sit" a short snappy word that registers with him. Continue this command everytime you go to the door until he learns! The perfect age for training is around 5-6 hes not a total right off yet :D Hes still in the puppy-ish stage..excitable and eager to get attention from you. Nip this in the bud now over the next few weeks and months and you'll have a great dog!
Thanks to all for your advice. He certainly is a handful but he is a beautiful dog. I think I'll start by ringing the Guide Dog Assoc first and see what comes of it .