Dog Grooming prices


Registered User
Just wondering what i should expect to pay to have a large furry dog washed and groomed or can I expect to pay whatever the groomer decides at whim
I have a small to medium sized dog (King Charles/Yorkie cross), and when he visits the groomer, he has his bath, haircut, Anal Glands emptied (TMI maybe!), nails clipped, ears and teeth cleaned, etc... This costs me €35...

The groomer is in Tallaght, and I can honestly say that my dog adores her... Loves paying her a visit!... Leaves me with no guilty feelings when I leave him with her for a few hours... Little brat doesn't even look back at me when I leave him!....

If you PM me, I can give you contact details....

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I pay 50 euro for a small furry thing to be groomed....... but have paid up to 70 euro!!!!!

35 - what a bargain!

For a large dog you may have to pay more......

My problem is not the cost but the fact that I can never get an appointment as they are always booked way for months in advance!
Very true, Brodie... Yes, it IS a bargain, and I know that the hooligan is being well looked after...

I usually have to wait a couple of weeks for an appointment, but I was lucky last week... Phoned on Tuesday, and the groomer had just had a cancellation for Thursday...
Flahers, if memory serves, you have Samoyeds. I too have a Samoyed, and I paid €70 to have mine groomed in Petmania late last year. I think the price has gone up about €10 since then. They did a good job, mind you, and made sure she was completely dry before leaving. This is extremely important for Samoyeds, as you may already know - because their coats are so thick, if any part of it is left damp it can cause all kinds of problems.
Celtwytch, yes you are correct except that I have now acquired a second one, a rescue dog so as you can imagine dog grooming is very expensive. Last time one of them came back really damp and I didn't realize it as it was the underneath hair. Next morning his coat was destroyed with knots which are impossible to get out no matter how much one grooms.
That was a bad grooming job. Knots aren't the only thing to worry about with a Samoyed's fur being left damp - they can actually develop a fungus because the conditions are so perfect for it (warmth due to the thick undercoat, moisture due to not being dried properly). It really is important that they are dried properly.

I also have a Bullmastiff, so believe me, I know all about the expense of having 2 large dogs groomed!

It's worth watching out for special offers, though - Petmania ran a half-price promotion last year, so I basically got the two done there for the price of one. Also, it is worth agreeing a price in advance. The prices can vary depending on the breed, and Samoyeds do take a bit of work. You may even be able to do a bit of a deal on getting both done at the same time.