Dog groomer in dublin for very nervous dog!


Registered User
Hi all,

I'm looking for recommendations for a dog groomer for our very very nervous dog. She's a cross about the size of a big king charles with some border collie in her so her hair is thick and shaggy. She's a very nervous dog afraid of nearly everything! We've tried grooming at home with a scissors and electric razors but she's afraid of both, tries to run away as soon as she sees them and struggles if we hold her so the whole episode ends up with her stressed, us stressed and she looks like she's been butchered with a lawnmower! Any ideas/tips/recommendations on how we can get her looking half decent?
Watched a Cesar Millan recently where he had a VERY nervous dog to be groomed. The key seemed to be an emotional detachment on the part of the groomer, not reacting to the dogs nervousness, a sort of 'jolly hockey sticks' approach to just getting on with it.

If you get nervous and stressed while trying to groom the dog, the dog picks up on that and gets more nervous and stressed.

Im sure pretty much any experienced groomer would (or should) be able to handle a nervous dog. The first time is going to be the worst for the dog, should get easier after that.
I can very highly reccomend the groomer in The Animal Hospital, Main St in Tallaght (Templeogue end)...

My dog goes to her, and adores her.... Little brat totally ignores me when she's around!.... I've always heard good feedback about her....

I have a contact number for her, if you'd like to PM me...
