Dog Found-Rathgar Rd.-30th Dec


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Stafford Bull Terrier,7-9 yrs, male, black with white markings.Very friendly.
Fair dues Grumpy. Bull terriers would not be my favourite dogs but certainly don't like to see any dog strayed. Hope you find his owners.
Grumpy - try contacting the DSPCA firstly (in case the owner has reported the dog missing) and also try any local Vets (there's one at Charlemont Street, eg, Tel 6714303, and they might give you other Vet telephone numbers - the owner might have contacted her local vet to report the dog missing. Also, the dog might have an id chip (which a Vet should be able to identify).
God bless you Grumpy for helping doggy. By the sounds of things, it's hopeful that the owners will be frantically looking for's lasted this long with them, so here's hoping.

But you are making a huge difference to the dog's chances of survival and being returned to it's owners, well done you.

We recently found a dog wandering on a very busy road, I pulled her off the road before she was creased by a car. We went to great lengths to find her owners that night, and we did find them. We never met them but their neighbours kids took the dog in and it was so rewarding to see the dog get out of our car so happily, secure and relieved that she was home. She had been wandering for a couple of days and was a very sweet dog, quite old. I dread to think what would have become of her if we hadn't made the effort.

Keep up the good work. You could try ringing the guards just to ask them to make a record of it so if the owner happens to ring, they would have your number. Best of luck with will be worth it in the end.
Re: Dog Found-How story ended!

"Plug" as I named him ("Plug Ugly" full version) turned out to be the friendliest, best behaved dog I ever came across.So much for so called "agressive breeds".Good with children, dogs and adults.
Found owner.All her grandchildren were reared in the benevolent presence of "Suggs"....when he wasn't on "Walkabout".
That's a story with a happy ending - you were great Grumpy. I find animal lovers are almost invariably the nicest people I know and "looks" don't come into it!
Well done! nice to hear a happy ending. Some dogs do get a terrible bad rap, and I think it's down to the people who breed them and their methods, and how they treat these unfortunate puppies and dogs that gives the end result of aggressive dogs.

I'm sure they were delighted to have their 'beautiful on the inside pal' back. Well done again!