Dog ate Wedding & Engagement Rings.


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Was at a bbq last weekend with friends. The friend burned her hand and took her rings off. She is quite organised - her house is spotless put it this way she knows where everything is.

Now her rings are lost despite turning the house upside down. They suspect the dog ate them! Is their a way to find out? Apart from cutting him up? Give him laxative? Or get a metal detector to go over him. Does anybody have experience of this. Since the incident happened on saturday should he have expelled the rings by now??!! Or do they stay inside him?

Any help is much appreciated. The poor girl is upset, she got married 2 months ago.
Check the bins, it's amazing what gets in there and don't put out any bins till the rings are found. A metal detector might can hire them for a day, they might be stuck down a sofa or summat. I'm not sure how the dog might have eaten rings... he'd have spat them out I imagine even if he ate something else.

awful thing to say...but would someone at the BBQ have taken them? surely not...but kids sometimes don't realise the value of things.
I'd have to agree with micamaca, it would be unlikely for a dog to eat two metallic objects...even if they were wrapped in meat!

If they are in the dogs belly they will make their own way out and should be easy enough to identify by looking at the dogs waste on the lawn. If the dog usually eats 'wet' food it might be an idea to change him to dry formulas.

(my little sis swallowed her miraculous medal many years ago - if I recall correctly it took 2 days to reappear!)

Has she contacted everyone who was at the BBQ...someone may have seen them, recognised their value and moved them somewhere safer but forgot to tell the owner ?
There was only 8 adults at it and no kids. They are convinced the dog ate it. [sharpening the knife] Stand back this is going to get messy!!
Sorry also the dog has a great appetite - eats tomatoes, cheese, spicy taco chips and even onion. So i think that dog would eat anything.
The dog eating it would be the best scenario. If they went in they have to come out. Taking a worst case scenario and they were obstructing the dogs bowel then either a) he'd die and they'd retrieve the rings post mortem b) he'd need surgery and they'd retrieve the rings.

Everyone is a winner..... except Fido...
Hi, this has just reminded me, I was at a house party a few years ago and spotted one of the home owners rings on the bathroom sink where she obviously put it before washing. I put it into a little pot/bowl sitting on the window to keep it out of harms way and forgot to tell her about it, as I had a good few drinkies on board, and probably got distracted by catching a glympse of my red wine stained teeth in the mirror and such.
It's all coming back to me only now!!!

It was a friend of a friends home in England, about, oh, 5 years ago, so I guess she has found it by now!!!
If the dog ate it, it should show up in an xray since metal is dense. Ask the local vet. But don't know how expensive that would be.
metal detector against the dogs tummy?! :D sorry, I know this isn't funny for the person involved!
hi fibre diet for dog for a couple of days will make retrieval easier!
xray unlikely to be needed unless dog aspirated the rings (in lungs).....usually suspected if serious coughing fit but unlikely.
I worked with a girl a few years back, and her dog ate her engagement ring.
As far as I can remember, nature took its course, and she got it back?
Ver messy business though - not for the faint hearted!
The update.

The poor dog was given a laxative and all. Nothing. The suspicion rested on the son. So the father said right lets go to the garda station - im gonna leave you with them and will not be seeing you for a long time. It put the jitters into the poor kid so he blurted out that he hid them.:rolleyes:

So happy ending. And dog is feeling better as well. :p
Kildare - you said in one of your earlier mails that there were no children there, but now the son hid them, is this a real story or just made up ?
I was going to suggest a crow or magpie but now it looks like the crow/magpie is trying to frame the long lost son.