Doesnt the president have the power to dissolve the Dail?


Registered User
Doesnt the president have the power to dissolve the Dail? Or is it only on the request of the Taoiseach? Why does she not have anything to say on this whole mess? I admire her for so many things but the silence is deafening on this one!!
JB, our president is above politics. The Taoiseach must ask for the Dáil to be dissolved.
The President is guardian of the constitution. She can only intervene in day to day politics if she believes a piece of legislation is unconstitutional and, as far as I know, only then when it has been passed through the Dail and she is signing it into law. In reality she has exactly the same function as the Monarch in the UK (though here the constitution is sovereign rather than the lady signing the papers).
I think the President can dissolve the Dail if the citizens petition them. But suppose that's futile now.