Internet use policies
The report of the working group of Data Privacy Commissioners recommends that the any Internet use policy should contain, at the minimum, the following elements:
* The employer must set out clearly to employees the conditions under which private use of the Internet is permitted as well as specifying material that cannot be viewed or copied. These conditions and limitations must be explained to employees.
* Employees need to be informed about the systems implemented both to prevent access to certain web sites and to detect misuse. The extent of such monitoring should be specified, for instance, whether such monitoring may relate to individuals or particular sections of the company or whether the content of the web sites visited is viewed or recorded by the employer in particular circumstances. Furthermore, the policy should specify what use, if any, will be made of any data collected in relation to who visited what web sites.
* Employees should be informed about the involvement of their representatives, both in the implementation of the policy and in the investigation of alleged breaches.