does willie o'dea have to read a resignation speech in dail?


Registered User
or does he just slope away to the back benches with his pay off??

didnt he already write a letter ...... the less this "victim" says at the moment the better. Draft in Peter Power to keep the Limerick Minister - at least he's a bit more clean cut than our barroom brawler......
O'Dea is still refuting all allegations in his resignation text as if the tape recording doesn't exist! The arrogance is astounding.

We get the taoisaigh, TD's and councillors we deserve. Bertie is still idolized and will probably be proposed for Dublin mayor or President. Michael Lowry continues to be elected. Why do we continue to support and elect people of low ethics. Is it a relection of ourselves?

On a wider level people are pleading with the Bishop of Galway to stay on as bishop. We accept the now totally flawed infallability of the Pope. We take tax increases, job losses, mismanagement of our pension funds and national economy. We watch on as the bigshots in the banks and FÁS ride into the sunset with bags of our gold.

What is wrong with the Irish psyche?

No, Willie O'Dea will just dust himself down, get a 20,000 majority at the next election and because of Fine Gael incompetence (do the likes of Enda Kenny, Brian Hayes and Richard Bruton deserve to or have the ability to govern us?),
will probaby return as a minister or junior minister after the next election. I'm just looking forward now to hearing the
pleadings for the innocent victim Willie O'Dea on the Joe Duffy Show!

Willie O'Dea has proven to be an intelligent politician of a long career and has suffered as a consequence of his own actions. I don't see why he cannot make a comeback.
Willie O'Dea has proven to be an intelligent politician of a long career and has suffered as a consequence of his own actions. I don't see why he cannot make a comeback.

Thats depressing.
Don't get so hung up on it then, do you really feel that irish politics is a much better place without Willie o'Dea?

Do I think Irish politics is a much better place without someone who smears a political opponent with lies, who questions the integrity and professionalism of a young reporter, who signs a sworn affidavit that contains incorrect information despite being a trained barrister, who drags the gardai into the debate and then does not promise to co-operate with any Gardai investigation into said leak?

Yes I do. Just as it would be better off without Beverly Flynn, Michael Lowry, John O'Donaghue, Bertie Ahern etc etc etc

Just because he has done stuff for Limerick does not make him one of Ireland's great Statesmen. Let him join Limerick council....
Just because he has done stuff for Limerick does not make him one of Ireland's great Statesmen. Let him join Limerick council....

I keep hearing about how WOD works tirelessly for the people of Limerick, how he works 7 days a week, is in his constituency office at all hours. But what has he actually achieved for Limerick?

With the greatest of respect to the hardworking, honest people of Limerick who just want do the best for their families, Limerick used to be a beautiful city, and under WOD's watch, it has become a place of high unemployment, high crime, poor social housing (some of it is literally incredible). What has WOD done to correct that?

Four weeks before the election, WOD announced a 1.7 billion regeneration programme, and claimed personal credit for the whole thing. We know what happened to that.

Predictably, WOD's supporters will say it is all because "that crowd up in Dublin" won't make funds available.

What has WOD actually done?
Michael Lowry continues to be elected. Why do we continue to support and elect people of low ethics.

Why you ask?
Michael Lowry is more effective then the FG backbencher or the FF junior minister (well actually that got taken off her ) who also represent the area.

People vote for who will represent their area first, country comes second.

So before this episode you thought he was a good politician? The fact that he is so well regarded in Limerick does seem to irk those outside of the city.
I would still regard Limerick as a beautiful city and is one that is still well regarded by people who actually come here rather than read the headlines. If you talk to any group, each individiual will be able to tell you about how O'Dea helped them on an occassion, so he does manage to get things done. On a national level, given the correct portfolio we might just get to see him show the rest of the country aswell.
apart from micheal mcdowell...willie o,dea was 0ne of the most arragont people in the government.........thank god these two are out of office!
I would still regard Limerick as a beautiful city and is one that is still well regarded by people who actually come here rather than read the headlines.

As someone who works in it, never lived in it, but its been my nearest city for most of my life, I dont know that Id regard it as beautiful. In college I recall West Limerick people actively disassociating themselves from it, so whatever about those actually from it, most others could take it or leave it.

On a positive note the refurb of the city centre (Bedford Row, Thomas Street etc) is great, and the renewed emphasis on the Shannon is a good idea. The problems I see are 1) no reporting of anything good from Limerick - bar the rugby - but what else is there to say??, 2) an overly defensive approach by public representative, everything is the meejah's fault. If they could deliver a good news story I'm sure it would be taken up.

Re Willie, Dell, Shannon, Re-generation ..... not exactly flexing his muscles is he??
Willie O'Dea has proven to be an intelligent politician of a long career and has suffered as a consequence of his own actions. I don't see why he cannot make a comeback.
Although he survived for a long time in the murky waters of Dail Eireann, Willie was first and foremost a Me Feiner. He has done little for the people of Limerick except give them the impression that he has. A Napoleonic complex, coctailed with a concietful, condescending and puerile personality, he is now able to talk about others that have done far worse than him and survived. He was derelict of his duty in not bringing these things to the fore when he discovered them. If the Garda inquiry throws anything up, it should be dealt with - not pushed out of agenda because he jumped. It would also, by his allusion, mean that there are other criminals in there. As regards the OP's question? Hopefully not. Unless he gets a Saul on the road to Damascus/Dunlop on the road to Mountjoy feeling and reveals other criminality.
I'm not from Limerick myself, but like any city it depends on how you approach it when viewing it. Approaching from Thomond Park or the Shannon Bridge and you have beautiful views of the city against the backdrop of the Shannon. There is a great park by the Art Gallery that is often forgotten, amazing cathedrals, Thomond Park, North Circular Road etc.
As regards those that could take it or leave it, that is pretty much par for the course between country and city people, both viewing the other with disdain or some form of ignorance, kind of like 'I hate Dublin' but 'I've never actually lived there'.


What was the outcome of the altercation between him, his security and a punter in a Limerick bar? Allegedly throwing his weight around - remember that?

In addition to the above, always thought he was a BS-er, a greasy clown and none too bright myself.
Seems to be a common enough opinion, but it is also a common opinion that we should have qualified people in the Dail, as he is a qualified accountant and barrister I would presume that makes him qualified and at the very least bright. Anyway he is gone now so lets see who we get in his place.