Does wage verification need to be on standard payslips?


Registered User
Hi all, going through mortgage difficulties. Regularly updating the bank on my financial situation.

Would like to hear thoughts please on a dispute I had with a bank employee yesterday, over payslips I receive from my employer.

I work a full time job and receive weekly payslips. The bank have given these payslips the all clear as they are from a well known outfit.

I also work part time for a very small company and receive payslips that are on company offical paper.

The bank said they are not happy with the presentation of the company slips and are refusing to accept them. The payslip clearly states the net, gross, taxes deducted, pps number etc.

I would like to add all my Taxes are paid up to date.

Could sombody please take some time to shed light on the above dilemma.

Thank you for your response. Yes everything seems totally above board on my payslip. The clerk was insistent that the payslip be on standard payslips.
What exactly are 'Standard Payslips'?

I develop payroll software, and it's the first I heard of there being a standard payslip. We designed our own payslips.

What does your payslip look like? - does your company use payroll software, or some other means to produce the payslips?