Does the state fund the Migrants' Rights Centre?


Registered User
Can anyone tell me is the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland state funded in any way?

I see her on VB tonight again giving her usual spiel on wealth redistribution, taxing the 'rich', etc etc. She was interviewed at yesterday's dail protest which was on Morning Ireland this am ....she seems to spend her time talking about this instead of Migrant Rights. In fact I never see her on a public forum talking about that at all

So is she just another branch of the unions, SF, CoRI etc
she was on the news tonight protesting against the cut in the minimum wage outside the Dail!!!
I seriously hope that none of my tax euros are going towards the MRCI
Can anyone tell me is the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland state funded in any way?

They are a non government organisation but they are a registered charity so they don't have to pay tax. I can't see anything on their site about how they are funded or who funds them.

They are just another leftwing organisation pushing their bankrupt socialist ideology.
she was on the news tonight protesting against the cut in the minimum wage outside the Dail!!!
I seriously hope that none of my tax euros are going towards the MRCI

Delboy, whether or not it is state funded, the MRCI is absolutely within its rights to campaign against a lowering of the minimum wage as it's her clients who are probably most affected.

As it happens, I don't think it is funded by the taxpayer, but I don't know.
They are just another leftwing organisation pushing their bankrupt socialist ideology.

Yes, we should have more groups like IBEC and Chambers of Commerce. They possess wisdom and insight beyond the understanding of these left wing pinkos.

Their track receord shows they have the answers to all problems and can be relied upon to act in the country's best interests at all times.

After all, what would mere workers know about the real world?
Yes, we should have more groups like IBEC and Chambers of Commerce. They possess wisdom and insight beyond the understanding of these left wing pinkos.
I disagree. I think we need fewer lobby groups and vested interest groups generally.

Their track receord shows they have the answers to all problems and can be relied upon to act in the country's best interests at all times.
Again I disagree; vested interest groups are there to push their own agenda. None of them have the interests of the country at large at heart.

After all, what would mere workers know about the real world?
Everyone who derives their income from their labour is a worker, be they somebody sweeping the floor or somebody managing a large business. I take it that you mean non shareholding and non managerial employees? If so then I disagree with you there as well. Anybody who works in a job that is open to competition from people in other businesses/sectors in this or another country is living in the real world.