Does State savings equivalent exist elsewhere in Europe ?


Registered User
Does State savings equivalent elsewhere In europe !
If so where ? Any links ?
There is a very active National Savings in the UK
n 1861, the Palmerston government set up the Post Office Savings Bank – a simple savings scheme aiming to encourage ordinary wage earners to “provide for themselves against adversity and ill health”. We separated from the Post Office in 1969, becoming National Savings. In 1996, we became an Executive Agency of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. NS&I (National Savings and Investments) is now one of the largest savings organisations in the UK, with over 25 million customers and more than £100 billion invested.

A range of 100% secure investments

We offer a range of savings and investments to suit different people at different stages of their life. All the money you save or invest with NS&I will be 100% secure, as we are backed by HM Treasury – there is no overall limit on how much is guaranteed. You can see the full range on this website or call us if you have any questions or want our brochures. Our UK customer service team is here to help you every day from 7am till midnight.