Does signing on casually expire?


Registered User
I was made redundant in Dec 2006 and was out of work for 8 months. I then got a part time job and have been signing on casually (yellow dockets) since then. One break of 6 months for maternity leave. Will this benefit expire? When I was on JB I was told it was for a certain length of time (380 days?) but there was no mention of this when I recevied notification a when I returned to work after mat leave. Thanks
Yes. Probably after 390 days in your case as your claim was made pre-Budget. However, you can requalify for another 312 days if you have 13 weeks contributions npaid after you have claimed 156 days JB. This should be so in your case as you say you were working part-time. Ask the SW office adn thye'll be able to tell you exactly where you stand.