would be great if anybody could give me some advice.I approached a mortgage broker after last xmas about getting a mortgage. It's a relatively small mortgage-100,000.
The broker gave me list of all details I needed to give banks. By Feb 11th I sent them in to him. Since then, it's been a lot of coming and going-he said he had offers from 3 banks and I chose the best rate...I got a valuation on the property I am buying and submitted it to him-more than a month ago. he came back looking for more up to date bank statements...this has been going on...this week he came back and said I hadn't filled out a direct debit form-which I did and sent on to him.
He is also now looking for a record of payment about a loan from my local credit union-I already submitted a letter from the C.U saying when I took out the loan, the amount outstanding and the amount I pay back weekly. This can also be seen in my bank statements- the mortgage guy says bank may ask for it- but don't worry about it at the moment...is this guy messing me around??it's nearly May now and I first submitted all the documentation he asked for in Feb.Is this usual?
Any advice would be much appreciated
Thanks, Rosey
would be great if anybody could give me some advice.I approached a mortgage broker after last xmas about getting a mortgage. It's a relatively small mortgage-100,000.
The broker gave me list of all details I needed to give banks. By Feb 11th I sent them in to him. Since then, it's been a lot of coming and going-he said he had offers from 3 banks and I chose the best rate...I got a valuation on the property I am buying and submitted it to him-more than a month ago. he came back looking for more up to date bank statements...this has been going on...this week he came back and said I hadn't filled out a direct debit form-which I did and sent on to him.
He is also now looking for a record of payment about a loan from my local credit union-I already submitted a letter from the C.U saying when I took out the loan, the amount outstanding and the amount I pay back weekly. This can also be seen in my bank statements- the mortgage guy says bank may ask for it- but don't worry about it at the moment...is this guy messing me around??it's nearly May now and I first submitted all the documentation he asked for in Feb.Is this usual?
Any advice would be much appreciated
Thanks, Rosey