Does car insurance cover us in NI


Registered User

Would a standard comprehensive car policy cover driving up North, or does the '90 day' (or whatever) length apply for the term of the policy.

Does the North count as Ireland in this regard?
What does it say in your policy document / policy booklet under "Territorial Limits"?

Are you contemplating moving house / job / contract to the North?
It normally would be covered.

But never assume with insurance. Check your ploicy or get your insurance company to confirm in writing.

Would a standard comprehensive car policy cover driving up North, or does the '90 day' (or whatever) length apply for the term of the policy.

Does the North count as Ireland in this regard?

Your Irish car insurance policy automatically covers you to the minimum Third Party requirement of other EU countries without any obligation to inform your insurance company.

Have a read of entry 6 of below thread for more details.