S smurf Registered User Messages 67 12 Jan 2009 #1 On my BOI PPR mortgage I pay fortnightly, Does BOI allow weekly payments or allow for Daily calculations of interest?
On my BOI PPR mortgage I pay fortnightly, Does BOI allow weekly payments or allow for Daily calculations of interest?
G Gulliver Registered User Messages 479 13 Jan 2009 #2 Interest on mortgages at banks is charged on a per diem (Daily calculation) basis, regardless of the frequency of payment.
Interest on mortgages at banks is charged on a per diem (Daily calculation) basis, regardless of the frequency of payment.
S smurf Registered User Messages 67 19 Jan 2009 #3 Is there anyone paying into BOI PPR Mortgage on a weekly cycle?
E Eblanoid Registered User Messages 219 19 Jan 2009 #4 smurf said: Is there anyone paying into BOI PPR Mortgage on a weekly cycle? Click to expand... See this duplicate thread: http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=11562
smurf said: Is there anyone paying into BOI PPR Mortgage on a weekly cycle? Click to expand... See this duplicate thread: http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=11562
L leex Registered User Messages 255 19 Jan 2009 #5 Gulliver said: Interest on mortgages at banks is charged on a per diem (Daily calculation) basis, regardless of the frequency of payment. Click to expand... Should still be a slight saving in interest if payments paid weekly??
Gulliver said: Interest on mortgages at banks is charged on a per diem (Daily calculation) basis, regardless of the frequency of payment. Click to expand... Should still be a slight saving in interest if payments paid weekly??
E Eblanoid Registered User Messages 219 19 Jan 2009 #6 leex said: Should still be a slight saving in interest if payments paid weekly?? Click to expand... Already discussed, other thread: http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=11562
leex said: Should still be a slight saving in interest if payments paid weekly?? Click to expand... Already discussed, other thread: http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=11562