Does anyone know how to deactivate a hotmail email address?


Registered User
Does anyone know how to deactivate a hotmail email address?

I stopped using mine 5 or 6 months ago as it kept sending emails (which had nothing to do with me) to everybody in my address book, usually containing links urging people to buy things like electronic equipment from China etc.

People would ring me saying 'I got your email' and my heart would sink, as I knew I hadn't sent anything.

Even though I urged people not to open emails from my hotmail address, naturally they didn't always remember.

I understood that if you didn't use a hotmail address for a month it would die, but apparently 'somebody' is still using mine because as recently as this morning (and also last week) I know people have got emails from 'me' urging them to buy an iphone!

I would really like to put a stop to this.
If you click the down arrow beside your name and then go to "view your account", then under "Additional options" you can click on "Close account".

Bear in mind though, that any emails you have stored will be gone for good, so if there's anything you want to keep you should forward it to another address. If you don't want to take the drastic step of closing the account completely, you could try deleting the contacts you have and see if this stops people receiving emails you didn't send.
Treetiger, thanks for your reply. In order for me to do this I would actually have to go into the account, which I have not done for months. Do you think it would be 'safe' to do so, or should I try and access it from a public PC rather than my own? I already tried deleting addresses in my address book but that didn't work.
Change your password , delete your address book then follow the steps above the close the account.
Thanks people, I have (I hope) now deleted the account and hopefully held on to my friends!