Does anyone have a right to string a telephone wire over our property?


Registered User
As above. A overholding tenant of ours or Eircom (acting on their instructions) has strung a telephone wire from a telephone pole to the unit they are overholding, but they've strung it right over our property, indeed it has been strung from the pole, to a lighting column on our property many tens of metres from the unit they are overholding and from that column to their unit. Can I just cut it off our lighting column?
Is this a house or an apartment? I don't think that anybody can string wires etc. across the former without your permission and you can insist on the removal of any that have been put there if you object. Not sure about directly intervening - you would be better off asking them to remove it first rather than damaging somebody else's stuff. If it is an apartment then it's most likely a management company issue.
It's a house it's strung over, to reach rented units at the rear. We own all of it but never gave permission for any wires. Probably best to contact Eircom and tell them we want it removed. I had wondered if telephone cables could legally be strung across one's property similar to how ESB ones can.
Eircom once ran a phone wire across my parents back garden without permissions. They objected and Eircom were forced to remove it - was removed within a few days.
Thanks CSIRL, that's what I'm looking to hear. I have written to Eircom just now to object.