Does anybody know if SDCC will remove a large area of grafitti on a wall?


Registered User
Does anybody know if SDCC will remove a large area of grafitti which has just appeared on a wall, bordering a public area close to my house?
Why was the title of my post changed? I'm not going to attempt to remove it myself with chemicals - too much grafitti, too expensive and too toxic. I don't think a power washer will extend that far from my house, neither would it remove car spray paint very effectively.
ophelia - please stop posting questions about moderator decisions. Your thread title was changed because the original was meaningless. Your previous two posts were removed because they are in breach of the posting guidelines. Further breaches of the posting guidelines will result in a suspension or a ban.
Brendan, Why do you suppose I left tins of purple car spray paint 'lying around'? Are you are trying to link a previous enquiry about old paint tins with this incident. I find that suggestion quite arrogant. For the record, I disposed of those paint tins in the correct way, otherwise why would I have asked for advise here!!! As already stated I could not possibly remove the quantity of grafitti which was inscribed on the wall last night, and the wall is not my private property. I was trying to take the community-spirited view of this mess and organise the removal of the grafitti - not end up been tacitly blamed for the thing.
Hi Ophelia

I was speaking to a friend of mine last night who used to work for the Corporation and he says they take a very dim view of people who leave paint lying around. When they see that it has been used for defacing walls, they can do chemical tests to tie in the paint to the graffiti. Likewise if they see a resprayed car in the vicinity of the wall, they have the powers to test the paint on the car.

They will still remove the grafitti but they could seek to pass the bill on to you. They have got more insistent on this since they opened up depots to take in unwanted paint. But I suppose some people just couldn't be bothered driving down to these places and feel that the Corpo. will just pick up all rubbish left on the side of the road.

If the wall belongs to you, they have to get your permission to remove it. Because it has been known that they removed what they considered graffiti, which the owner had spent a fortune getting done e.g. nice murals.
